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[WIP thread] Horny Platformer for the Console

A topic by MagicPumpkin created Feb 06, 2022 Views: 338 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Hello y'all! o/  I'm Magic Pumpkin :)
I just discovered this game jam yesterday while searching for somegame to program. Pleased to meet everyone :)
So I will start to work on my game project from tomorrow (Monday) on, which will leave me about three weeks to complete it. I'll share my progress here along the way.

I'm thinking of making a game in the console, which is my favorite type of games. It'll thus be simply ASCII graphics, even though I'm planning on including colors for an eerie ambiance. Runs natively on linux and mac, under windows you'll need a piece of software, for example cygwin, in order to make it work. (Will include a tutorial if I ever manage to finish a playable game ;))
I got the idea for some sort of platformer, with a light story involving a guy named Whispers. Not much yet, we'll see how it develops.

Many thanks go to Eevee for organizing this jam, I'm excited (sic!) to be part of it, and I'm looking forward to checking out your games!
Have a fun time everyone :)


Have a great time in the jam and good luck with your project!!! ❤


ASCII platformer sounds quite unique! This is my third Strawberry Jam and it's always a treat to see the creative game ideas that it inspires. Every year I see submissions with concepts, gameplay and themes that I never could have imagined. I hope you have a fun and productive time coding, I'm looking forward to playing everyone's games in March!


New to this jam as well, and super excited for it. Your idea sounds so unique! I'm excited to see how it turns out!! Good luck and have fun~^^


Good luck with your project !