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A member registered Nov 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wishlisted it!! Excited to see progress on it and looking forward to playing it! Was really great seeing you stream while working on it!

Thank you for the comment ^^
I would love to make more, just takes time~

Ooh! That could be a fun ending..! xD

(2 edits)

A hint may be that the two computers are not the same..

And a certain clue will only show up after talking to her.

Thank you so much!! ^^

That's interesting, I would've assumed people would only want a browser version instead of downloading something. Thank you for the feedback! ^^

(3 edits)

Thank you so much!! I appreciate that, Bagels sounds a great next venture! xD

Also, I *loved* your video, it was so great and funny seeing all of your reactions to everything! Thank you for checking it out! ^^

I can see what you're going for, and it has a lot of potential! Totally understand not being able to get everything you want done, but what you got finished is really great!! And it's a complete experience and puzzle so it doesn't feel unfinished. Really funny too. xD Loved the mechanic and how it's introduced in the story. There was a point where I was confused on what to do, where I had to wait for a while for something to happen. I think if my actions had more immediate reactions I wouldn't have felt as lost on that part. I hope you keep adding more because this was a lot of fun, and I'd love to see more! :D

The art and music were so lovely~ really enjoyed how deep some of the topics were in the story. For what was there it was great, and makes me excited to see the rest of it! The character designs are really unique and fun to look at. I enjoyed how many expressions there were, and how they suited what the character was talking about and going through. Really polished, and super cute! Really nice job! ^^

Really loved your characters! They are super cute and well animated. ^^ The lasso concept was really unique, too. Felt like that mechanic was pretty cohesive throughout the whole experience. The boss fight was fun, felt a little long, but was worth it for the cutscenes at the end. ;) I did notice some polish things, like dialogue boxes staying open when pausing, or buttons not responding sometimes, but overall really fun to play and good level design! Nicely done!

Was really impressed when you first posted the rag-doll concept so early. It was really cool seeing how fleshed-out you made it by the end. I did not expect the amount of art, characters, and levels you had at the end! Really amazing job!! I got a bit stuck at some parts, but I know I could get through it eventually if I kept trying. Loved this one! 😻

Really enjoyed this one! The sound design was super enjoyable and satisfying to listen to. Also appreciated how animated the sprites felt even with the limited animation. The different playable characters and gun options were really fun too. Nice work! :)

(4 edits)

Thank you for the feedback ♥ I suspect I know where you got hung up on.. and why it might be a confusing part of the puzzle. Definitely my fault in designing it. All I can really say without spoiling it is to check out every different object :)

Here's a little (poor quality) snippit of what I have. Excited to show the full thing here soon :3

Good luck everybody with your projects!!!!

Made a cheeky little walk cycle for my main character!  (will animate floppy bits later)

This is my first time modeling, rigging, and animating in Blender. I'm pretty happy with it :)

For my idea, I want to do a Point-And-Click style adventure game where you want to impress the barista at a bubble tea shop called "Booba Tea." The objective being find clues to reveal what her favorite combination of bubble tea flavors are to proceed onto a sexy scene as a reward!

Did a little brainstorming with my Twitch chat and had a lot of fun coming up with puzzles and ideas! This is my rough game design document showing the different scenes, puzzles, and general flow of the game. As well as the limits I set for myself like having only 1 NPC and 3 different scenes maximum:

Should be fun and a learning experience trying to complete as much as I can :D

Really like this pixel art style, and the setting sounds super fun too, good luck! ^^

Wow, these assets look great! It sounds like a really wacky and fun idea as well, haha. Can't wait to see it :D

New to this jam as well, and super excited for it. Your idea sounds so unique! I'm excited to see how it turns out!! Good luck and have fun~^^

Thank you so much!! It's a pleasure to meet you, your game design idea sounds super unique, I'm excited to see how it pans out ^^

Hey all! Wanted to say hi and introduce myself!!

 I love animating and have been getting into game-dev more recently. It's been fun learning new skills like 3D modeling, programming, and writing dialogue for characters. I've been working on my own NSFW visual novel since last year, and was super excited when I heard about this game jam! Thought it would be a great way to finish something and meet some cool people!

You can check out my work here if you're curious: (NSFW!!!)

Anywaysss, I'm super excited and happy to participate. Looking forward to seeing everyone's projects ^^

Haha, that's probably really true that sometimes you feel like you're re-learning everything again!
I really like the thought of re-addressing your workflow and your process, rather than how the actual product is coming out.
I hope to get there someday! 😸 Thank you for sharing your experience!!

Haha, I bet!! That seems out of my grasp. GameMaker language has been pretty readable for me, even though I'm not a programmer :3

Wow, those are great!! Thank you for sharing :D

Would love to hear some stories!! Did you learn anything with your first game dev experience? Any joys? Nightmares? Anything you'd do differently for next time?

Would love to hear it :) thanks for taking the time ♥