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Fixin' the Competition (Let's make a games bundle!)

A topic by Fractured Mind created Sep 14, 2023 Views: 142 Replies: 3
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It occurs to me that an almost guaranteed way for us all to 'win' the jam would be to group our games together at the end in a co-op bundle. Any thoughts on that?

Jam Host

Hey I like that idea! Though I have no idea how to go about setting something like that up. Lol

Feel free to reach out via Discord @kindred if you want to chat further about it!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It sounds like a great idea imo, if we all share the bundle on social media or whatever, we would all be promoting each other's projects, surely that's gonna help everyone :)

I like the idea in principle, but my game might be a text editor.