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A jam submission

AURORA - By Spicy RamenView game page

Explore a beautiful world with a painful history.
Submitted by Spicy Ramen Productions — 31 minutes, 21 seconds before the deadline
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Best Technical

We will be looking through any demonstration of technical proficiency in terms of the game demonstrating either sophisticated rendering techniques or technologies such as networking and artificial intelligence and much more.

Best Aesthetics

Does your game evoke beautiful sensations? Does it make me laugh? Cry? Consider the tragic and wonderful briefness of our time on earth? This prize is for any game that using art assets (visual

Best Educational

This award is for the best serious or educational game. The criteria here is quite broad in terms of nomination. If you think your game has a strong message

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(1 edit)

I loved the animations and general look. Not conventional but overall very well executed. Well done.

Voted for Community Favorite - Krohlm - Bob

The storytelling was clearly the main feature here, and honestly, I was so enraptured with the art and animations that I barely paid any attention to the story enough to get a general idea of it. This game was lovely. Beautiful and so well controlled. You look like you knew exactly what you wanted to do here. I don't get the decoy part but that's probably because I didn't read the story. Either way, very aesthetic game. Well done!

Voted For Community Favourite - [Tyrone Britou] - Gaming Jesters of Masala


Cute aesthetic and well-written story


Loved the hand-drawn art! Very well done :D




I really liked the art direction of this game and the story


Astonishing art, and a well written narrative - although the story progresses quite fast compared to the gameplay elements. I sadly couldn't make use of the decoy/attack action, but that aside I'm definitely looking forward to the your next submission!


Love all the hand drawn art!


The game captivated me with its music and art style in the first few seconds, most especially the animations -so cute-. But, the game doesn't function well - there are enemies but I can not do or receive damage from them, the game just ends when you reach the end, the ability to leave a darker png of the avatar having no substance as a mechanic

honestly though, Aurora's adorableness wipes all of that off the table for me XD


The game looks beautiful, and the animations are so smooth. The audio really sets the tone for the narrative and it helps with immersion.

the problem here was that the game is clearly unfinished. Seemingly only the art and narrative were completed for this because it just felt like a walking simulator once i realised there were no enemies to use my decoys or attack on,  and i was just walking through dialogue. 

The game looks beautiful and the plot works, I hope this project is finished and I can get a chance to play!