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A member registered Jul 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Where can i see the winners and their interviews?

a well noted piece of feedback, thank you kindly

(1 edit)

A wonderful and well polished game all round, I just can't seem to connect how the game incorporates the theme.

The physics are exceptional by my standards, this and every other aspect of this game: audio, animations, UI, code(character controller) and other elements I'm sure I'm missing but played a role in the experience. Well done, this is great

OoO thank ye kindly

oh damn, thank you!

(1 edit)

Voted for Community Favourite - [Nhlanganiso Tshabangu] - The Alchemists

OoO we're happy you liked it. fr fr - to have something we made be recognise by a high end fashion aficionado and itgirl is my dream goal

(That one glitch that gets talked about more than your actual game T_T) at the very least, it provided khomedi XD

Thank youuuuuuu ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Thank you kindly, we're glad you enjoyed it :D

Y'know, we were debating about the use of the rewind ability in this iteration of our game because we realised that there really isn't much use for it as a secondary mechanic - but because we know we can and would use it in the final form of this game we decided to keep it there, we'll most certainly consider using it for puzzled and combat.

When you think about it XD you have the ability to phase through walls?

Hmm, fair point, thank you.

Death comes for us all Delirium, it is the great reset-er and so naturally, we had is when you die you restart your life from  A

The game captivated me with its music and art style in the first few seconds, most especially the animations -so cute-. But, the game doesn't function well - there are enemies but I can not do or receive damage from them, the game just ends when you reach the end, the ability to leave a darker png of the avatar having no substance as a mechanic

honestly though, Aurora's adorableness wipes all of that off the table for me XD

That, was impactful, very. All the elements you used did great in setting the mood of the narrative (your music, art, colour schemes and dialogue).

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An aesthetically pleasing experience this game was! I keep wanting to keep going further in to the world and just find more stuff, the world you've created here feels alive and very pleasing to interact with

And even though they were not complete, the concept of the mini games gels well with this game and how it is presented, so does the audio and obviously, the visual aspect. Well done

I enjoyed interacting with your character controller, it responds quickly and smoothly to my inputs. I had fun in the first 2 run throughs, p.s I think this would make a grand mobile game