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A Year Gone By Already?

A topic by IMP1 created 93 days ago Views: 134 Replies: 3
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I remember seeing the last jam just after it had finished, and being bummed out that I’d missed it. But I loved the idea so much that I started brainstorming and then developing a tool after it had ended, pretending to myself that the jam was still going.

Fast forward to now, and I had all but forgotten my old project, another soul lost to my graveyard of started and never finished games and tools. But the next Tool Jam is coming up, and I’m hoping to revive my old project that never saw the light of day.

Looking forward to seeing what all of you come up with as well.

Hi @IMP1, great to hear your (hi)story←( i searched the theasaurus and found out both ways of saying it is correct)
 of perseverance, but i am curious, what are you building?

I have no idea of what i am going to build


It’s a (probably absolutely useless) combination of a spreadsheet and a flowchart :)


I remember the jam going and because i was new to coding not having any ideas on what to make, now that i'm more experienced and finding out i like the process of making tools for streamlining development the most, i'm going to refine a build helper i made for c++ a few weeks ago that, well, builds the game on all indicated platforms, zips them and publishes them directly to using butler, but make it so you can use it for other things such as game maker or godot (and hopefully make a godot plugin out of it)