Can I use A.I-made-stuff ?
Recent community posts
I copied from severall answers from Quora(only the ones made by ChatGPT because -> no copyright):
- Unnatural coding formatting (pretty self explaning)
- Generic, boilerplate code (Code that you write and reuse with little or no alteration)
- Overly Complex solutions (when the code "kill a mosquito with a ballistic missile")
- Lack of comments in code
In my opinion,(not accusating but in third person) you shouldn't generate code with AI, both for ethical reason, and for technical reasons(the code is shitty).
Liked the freedom of no themes! Very Thank You! I had a showerthought about a specific horror game with unique mechanics and history (or story...) dunno EN, (not my first language) and wasn't finding a jam to test the concept of my game, then i found this jam! i humbly ask for you to give feedback from you and your viewers, when the game is over and you will be streaming the games.
Eu tenho uma dúvida pra tu @Tiago Malta:
você é bom em que tipo de música (musica de terror/suspense, elevador etc) ? podemos formar uma dupla, você pode ser bom em criar audio, mas eu não boto fé em minhas habilidades de programação, eu tenho um amigo de escola que sabe mexer em Blender, se nós 3 formos noobies, um coder, um artista visual e você (artista músico) eu acho que seria justo a união para criar 1 game.(pense se formos de níveis MUITO diferentes, um teria desvantagem por ter que "puxar " ou orientar trabalho do outro)
YESSSSS, Also i've been exploring last themes, and i notticed a pattern, the theme of even numbers jams it's the opposite of something in the odds jams,(like the game is your friend jam # 1(ODD), the game is your enemy jam # 2(EVEN) with that beeing said i think it will gonna be something related to the opposite of destroying things(last jam)#3 ) I WENT 200000 IQ