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Questions HERE! Sticky

A topic by robobarbie created Jul 09, 2023 Views: 769 Replies: 27
Viewing posts 1 to 9

Post any questions about the jam here. 

Looking for a team! Writer/ fledgling narrative designer here,  very interested in building out my portfolio. Is it worth joining the jam if I don't have any experience on the programming/ tech/ art side?


Idk how anyone with experience feels, but I think you should just go for it. Before like 2 months ago I hadn't written any fiction in about 2 decades (fuck i'm old), drawn anything in about the same amount of time, and knew barely anything about programming. I'd been contemplating making a game for years, but kept putting it off until I finally said, fuck it, and just jumped in. 

Since then I've written a few fics, bought a cheap-ish art tablet to learn digital art (so many youtube videos), played around with renpy, and took a python class to learn the basics. I know myself though, if I try to wait until I'm satisfied with my skills I'll never actually finish anything, so I made myself join the jam to force myself to finish something. It might end up hot garbage, but at least I will have done it. 

Whether you join a team or make something on your own I hope you decide to join the jam! I will look forward to playing whatever you make :)

this is very encouraging, thank you. "if i try to wait until i'm satisfied with my skills i'll never actually finish anything" resonated extremely hard with me. i just don't want to bring anyone else down but i'm very interested in seeing what this world has to offer :-)

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey :] Hope this is the correct place to ask. I was wondering how strict you are in your definition of visual novel? In particular about the layout and such. I've made a game with a very disco elysium style layout before, and would like to do it again, but I'm aware it's not the traditional vn look. Would it still be acceptable in this jam? Thank you :]


totally acceptable and allowed!


Does procedurally generated backgrounds from publicly available assets count as the use of "AI" art?

Host (1 edit)

This type of procedural generation is fine as long as the assets involved are permitted for use by the creators. If it's a prompt tool, it's probably not permitted.

Hiya! Is editing the game page (description, approx playtime, cover art, banner, page design) after the deadline permissible, so long as the actual game remains intact?


Yes, that is allowed!


are we allowed to update our game after the jam is complete? if so, are we allowed to replace the old build with it, or should it be available as a separate download?


After the voting ends, you can do whatever you want!




Do you want only one person on the team to submit?


each game can only have 1 submission, yes. but on the game, you can add team members as contributors/authors so they also have voting access 


Heres some instructions I found for how to do that (might be slightly diff since this is from 2018):


You will be assigned a random set of games to play and rate. After you play and rate 5 entries, you will be free to play and rate the rest of the entries.

Where we'll be able to know which set of games that we required to play? Via email or community post entry like this? And when it will be announced? Thanks!


I'm not quite sure how itchio will display it to you, but it should hopefully show up like now somewhere where you can see jam submissions


We might actually have a buggy voting system LOL -- I'm temporarily disabling voting til it's sorted out 


mkay! Will look for more updates from you, good luck!


i re-enabled voting -- didn't want to limit people! rating queue is still broken, but i've put a ticket in with itchio to see if they can fix it

Submitted (3 edits)

okay, so can we rate less than 5 games or should we rate 5 games or more to be eligible?


i'd say rate em all! there's no eligibility that is stringent on voting. everyone will get a score at the end regardless -- just is nice to try to vote for as many as you can!


Ah that's a nice idea, thank you!

Submitted (1 edit)

Since we got bug that makes the event holder unable to distribute voters evenly and instead letting devs vote freely, what will happen with the entry who got least ammount of votes? Is there any disadvantages for that?


we never did hear back from itchio, which sort of sucks. I'm not exactly sure how the itchio ranking algo works, so I'm not exactly sure how it'll end up -- but I'll definitely see what I can find online! luckily everyone seems to be getting some votes. i think everyone has gotten a minimum of 5 votes by now, which is what the rating queue was for anyway


ok! I looked into it more. how it works for all jams is that entries with less than the median number of ratings get a small penalty applied to their score, mostly because it's hard to get an accurate rating if there are less votes to aggregate. the way ludum dare does it (which i like) is that you don't even see your score/qualify for ranking unless you get a certain number of votes (20), but there's not a way that i can see to implement that on itchio unfortunately. 


oh well, i feel bad to those ppl who got less ratings but thanks for clearing things up :D