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A jam submission

TimeBackView game page

Puzzle game for Virtus Game Jam.
Submitted by OnixT — 4 days, 10 hours before the deadline

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Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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If you dont know how to play:

Hold left mouse click to use the green rewind time and release to rewind the time.

The same for use the red rewind time but with the right mouse click.

I'll maybe do a tutorial later.


Hey, we played your game and had some feedback:

Overall it's really strong, the theme is good, the sound is good and the aesthetics are all good.

The gameplay is fun and interesting but lack of actual tutorial actually made it pretty hard to pick up and play...after enough trial and error we figured out what to do but for something so involved you really need to spell it out for people.

The character creation was funny, and all the menus were really solid.

All in all it's a really good game and we'd give it a 5 with a tutorial.

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback ! i'm very happy that the game pleases you !

I'm sorry for no tutorial :)

(Sorry for my english level)

Great one :) I like puzzle games and This could be great new one commercial title :) ..offcourse if you work on in next 3-6 months :D :P  (P.S.  Is there 5 levels right now? Such I can`t enter to 6th ??


Thans you very much for your feedback !

There are 9 levels, i'm sorry for this issue ^^


Hi, i really liked the concept of the game, it is very interesting and you have a lot of possibilities to explore.

If you plan to keep updating this game i'd suggest to put a time limit for the time back (eg: after 5seconds clicked, the time rewind cancels)

I liked the level design as well, the objectives are pretty clear and i knew where to go and what to do even without a tutorial

About the aesthetics and sounds, considering its a jam game, i can't really complain on that, even tho the clean design fits the game well.

As someone said, understanding how the time rewind works isnt instinctive without some kind of explaination, even a text on the walls would have done the trick i think

Overall i enjoyed your game and really appreciated the mechanics, good job!


Thank you for your feedback and your advices !

The 5 seconds after clicked is not bad thak you! ^^

Jam Judge

This game is really well thought out and put together, I totally love the whole rewinding time concept, reminded me of playing portal! Cracking job guys!



Thank you very much for you good feedback !! ^^

*Guy because i did it alone haha 

(4 edits)

I will be honest and say I did not enjoy it. While the time mechanic looks very cool and is fitting with the theme, you provided no instructions of how to use it properly, hence I was not able to make it past the first portal area. If I knew how to do that I probably would have given it a higher overall rating.

Developer (1 edit)

I'm sorry if you don't like the game.

The instruction for use it are in the "pause menu"

I didn't have time for do a tutorial ..

Thank you for you feedback :)


I have no idea why you've put the character customizer in there, but I liked the rewind mechanic and puzzles.  I just wish you had explained it better in the beginning.


The character customizer is just a tool, in no way does it affect the gaming experience

But thank you for you feedback ^^

This was unique and I really liked it. I think you have something interesting here. I particularly liked having the ability to customize the character and make him stupidly huge/small/weird looking.



Thank you for your answer, i'm happy that you like the game ^^

Hey, i tested your game it has a nice concept with the rewind function and all that, all that i have to say the crouch doesn't work then the sounds are too loud and when you are in game you cant save the settings, id say keep working on it don't abandon the concept and polish it out with tons of levels and maybe add some random generated levels and maybe it could be sold later on, GJ :D


Thank you for your advice, normally the settings are saved when you click on the button menu.
But there must be a problem :)

Deleted 5 years ago
Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback!