Hey guys another week another devblog :)
-Milo ( code )
Milo has implemented a pick up system for finding the keys on the environment and open doors.
He has also work on some shape recognition for the glymph, head bob and footsteps for the character (implementation not the actual creation of sound )
-El fideo rubio ( art & technical art )
This week I focus on creating a hall for our Dacha
-Kylen ( 3d art )
Kylen keeps on creating top of the line art here's some of the prop work she did this week.
- Saulo ( Audio )
Saulo has done a first version of the main background music for the game. You can listen to it here:
He has been working on some door sound effects as well (opened - closed - locked - unlocked) , releasing a first version of them.
That's it for this weeks report, remember we are still looking for character artist and animators if you are interested or know anyone that might be don't hesite to contact me on discord: El fideo rubio #8764