Hey everybody,
Some questions about the submission and rating phase keep coming up so I'll just answer them here. :)
How do I know I submitted my game successfully?
There is a "Submission to Wowie Jam 2.0" banner in the top right corner of your game's page.
How are games rated?
YOU will rate them. Everybody who participated will be able to rate other games.
Where can I see the other games?
The submissions are hidden till the jam is over. Once the rating phase begins you'll be able to find them at the top of the Wowie Jam page. Just click on "Submissions".
Something went wrong and I couldn't submit my game on time. What to do?
Don't panic. Just reach out to me and we'll find a solution. (Please try to submit on time, though.)
Can I update my game during the rating phase?
I'll leave that enabled, so yes. Please only do that for urgent bug fixes, though! Let's keep it fair. I might also disable that feature after a day or two.
Nobody is playing my game. What to do?
Play some games from other developers, leave them some useful feedback and kindly ask them to check out your game as well. Also see if there might be another issue with your game. If your game is only available for mobile or only as an installer, that might be an issue for example.
The rating phase lasts 1 week including next weekend! I recommend you play and rate as many games as possible! The more games you leave feedback on the more likely it is you'll get some feedback as well.
Let me know if you have any more question. :)