Hi. This was my first jam and, even tho I've messed up, I'm happy about all I've learned!
It's been a rollerkoaster. But its great to be able to see the mistakes in how I "operate", whixh apply beyond gameDev.
I felt like a part of the kommunity, and was so happy to think about all the kool peoplei might end up meeting and, who knows, kollaborating with; while also feeling like it kould help me taking the steps to live off of gamedeving(+my other !gamedev proyekts).
Stayed up all night, with the last +~hour trying to make something new, related to this. (Whix I managed! Sadly, I was building it 5 minutes before the deadline, and eaxh time I tried I got errors. [In hindsight, a nap might have helped seeing klearer, but I was afraid of being too sleepy
Sorry for the small rant, a lot of expextations got destroyed, and had to do some xhores for my family after 2hours of sleep, and I guess I felt I needed to get this off my xhest.
And at least I've learned from my mistakes, and got some new ideas and motivation... And still might get to konnekt with some of you, who knows.
I wish you well!