Is anyone else super excited?
I just posted on the discord - we’ve got someone creating a game about the team who maintains reality on a badly made planet, one about trainers who raise swarms of insects, Pokémon style, and I’m whipping up my arcane mech game, Mecha Magi. Soooo many ideeeeeas …
Newt, you started this - what’s up? Feel free to drop in the discord - we chat there on the regular!
So I want to try something small first to get a real feel for the system. As I mentioned in chat, though, the unique flexibility of crunch has me wondering if this is the system my partner and I have been searching for to use on a project that's very dear to us.
The elevator pitch is a handful of elemental kitsune trying to change their society- and possibly save the world. Partner even came up with a great idea for pool caps and roll caps based on the number of tails.
I still need to finish rereading the system, but some ideas that have come to mind include tea growing (thanks for that idea XD), superheros, and something something micro wizards.