The combat is a little unbalanced, but there are plenty of features in place to make sure the game is both very beatable and never too frustrating, it's very open with a ton of stuff to do, and the references to the previous (You)RPGM Jam games were great (I'm super biased on that aspect though hahaha). I really liked the way it tied up a few loose threads from Shoukan Gaki 1 while still having enough of its own identity too, it has a lot of heart. I was impressed by how much you managed to force the ol' RM2K default battle system to do. Great work, I really enjoyed my time with it!
Love the story.
But yeah the gameplay is kinda unbalanced. Goburin is too OP compared to other summon.
The combat is a little unbalanced, but there are plenty of features in place to make sure the game is both very beatable and never too frustrating, it's very open with a ton of stuff to do, and the references to the previous (You)RPGM Jam games were great (I'm super biased on that aspect though hahaha). I really liked the way it tied up a few loose threads from Shoukan Gaki 1 while still having enough of its own identity too, it has a lot of heart. I was impressed by how much you managed to force the ol' RM2K default battle system to do. Great work, I really enjoyed my time with it!
Thank you kindly for playing! Some fine day I'll finally figure out how to balance battles, I swear...