Thank you for playing! Here is some advice on how to progress based on what I saw of the video:
With the E1evator Key in hand, you'll need to speak with Goblina at the pub in order to continue.
Hope that helps.
All in all, a very comfy summer game which makes me want to check in on my old MMO friends, if they're still playing (and knowing them, they are...). It is nearly a shame that this is a Jam game rather than a more complete work. That could truly be said for most of your games though. I and many others look forward to seeing what awaits as your skill and understanding of RPGM improves. My "criticism" I will reserve for another place, as I'm sure you know where to find it, and is mostly small nitpicks anyhow. As I sympathize with the 苦しみ of CBS development, it is easy for me to look past all of those points, however. Fine work.
Late reply, but thank you for playing.
Trying to think back to my mindset when I made it is difficult since this was a while ago, but my one goal with it was to make something closer to a traditional JRPG than the game I'd done for the previous /vrpg/ jam. Considering how much NON-traditional stuff/VIPRPG I play and draw inspiration from, that can be challenging.
As for being thoughtful and memorable, that is incredibly kind, and I'm happy you think so. Maura is a fun character to write, and I draw a lot from my own youth when I think about what she's going to say, how she should act, and so forth. Her dragging along the Chosen One from seemingly irrelevant place to place is, well... exactly what I'd have done, maybe.
The sequel to this game definitely exists, and if you haven't played it, I definitely recommend playing the other /vrpg/ jam titles beforehand since I paid a lot of respect to other jammers' games in there. I'm always thinking of what to do with these characters next, so maybe a 3rd Shoukan Gaki could happen someday.
Comfy campfire scenes: check
Custom battle system: check
Open ended game: check
Made me jealous that I didn't think to do something like this myself: CHECK
I couldn't believe it when I got past the intro just what I was playing, but you've made something that approaches VIPRPG quality and cannot wait to see what other exceptional quality works you put out now that you have tasted the power of RM2k3 Maniacs.
Thank you for enduring the tougher parts of the game. In past jams I have constantly battled with the worry that I'd made things too easy, so I left a lot of stuff "too hard" trusting that players would be able to sort things out, while throwing a few bones (the bonus payout is horribly broken and I never bothered to fix/lower it to my original intentions, darkness doesn't fall instantly letting you cheese a few squares, the "help" windows for skills still show up over the darkness during battles, analyze stats still appear over darkness as well so you can guess at what is on the board, etc).
Truth is, making a good dungeon crawler is HARD because the most interesting stuff (psyching out the player themselves) is also the hardest to balance, since you can't really determine how any one person might react to it, and the paradoxical thing where players who GET the tools needed to deal with those things are often not the ones who needed them to begin with. Let's not get started on the whole "is this even a good dungeon layout" question.
The battles aren't really meant to be too hard, except for a few deliberately designed to throw off the unprepared, and fights in the light aren't meant to take that much time. I would have liked to bump up the ATB/battle speed a bit, but kept running into bugs. Oh well.
Thank you kindly for playing! And thank you for pointing out various bugs which I have now fixed.
I'm afraid that Maura's blue moon charm serves no special purpose other than as a symbol of friendship (and moreover, a symbol of the impact friendship has had on her own life and growth as a person). I know her appearance is a bit out of the blue, but it's a remnant of the original plan for this game which sadly got scrapped very early on in development. Maybe someday we'll see what this much older, less bratty summoner is up to.
I was able to make it a LOT further along this time, but for some reason talking to the bartender in the guild hall about his quest information softlocks the game. Black knight went down MUCH quicker since I was able to level up the crew and buy new gear.
If there's more content in this current release, please let me know once a fix is up for this so I can go do that quest. I like what I'm seeing and I feel that this has some good potential, I just want to see everything there is to see in it.
All right, I've figured out one thing - unplugging my controller has at the very least made this playable and not lock up during conversations with NPCs. However, I'm still having a lot of trouble making progress.
- Using ATTACK with the main character does nothing and simply softlocks the game.
- Potions used in a battle that you lose do NOT come back if you reload your game. Somehow they are staying used even though I should be loading a point well before a losing battle ever occurred
- I can't figure out how to unequip items from party members to put them on someone else
I'm getting filtered by the knight on the bridge because I simply run out of choices and can't exactly go grind on enemies because only 1 party member can fight.
Hopefully this helps you to make further bugfixes and changes to your game.
Captures the magic moments between people down by the water, fishing pole in hand (or merely observing in this case), when they let down their guard a bit and say what's truly on their mind. Not once, but several times. It's comfy. It's nakige. Above all, it's Jet. And now, we wait for the next entry to see just what becomes of all the new plot threads dangling about. In the meanwhile...
Guess I'll go fishing.
Having a lot of trouble getting this to work properly, which is a shame because I want to play it all the way through. Sometimes the game accepts controller input, sometimes keyboard input, sometimes mouse input, but it's not consistent and the dialogue choices outside of the intro scene seem to soft lock the game, as I can't pick any of them no matter what I try. The menu also doesn't really work since no options could be selected.
I really wanna play it. If there's any updates coming that fix the controls or at least a guide or cheat sheet that explains how things work, let us know.
That moment when the game makes you sit and actually think about all the stuff it had just thrown at you story-wise. The solution finally hit me on my own after contemplating it (and trial and erroring the options) but it was nice to see it and it WILL filter textskippers. Now, I wonder if I can go back and beat the boss in a more traditional way if I load up on the right stuff...
Underappreciated and hopefully a sign of good things soon to come. You are a few quality of life features and more dev time away from finding a certain sweet spot that is very difficult to capture in terms of feeling-of-progression and leveling. Really like that you changed the RM2k3 side view battle system to front view as well, it honestly made me forget all about it being a 2k3 game as I kicked back in the lazy chair with my controller in one hand and a beer in the other.
Use this link to submit late.
I'm not sure. For future reference, be advised that the submission of your jam's PAGE must happen before the deadline, but you can update your game files at any time. I'm not sure if this means you could theoretically submit a blank page as your entry, but it could be useful if you're worried about upload speeds causing you to miss the deadline.