I am just now noticing the "goggled" eyes and I love it. I think the tweaks are pretty good, here's a few more thoughts and ideas:
This is Interesting: Maybe rephrase this? "When you pick up a letter, note or package; give it a...". This makes it seem less like the feat gives you a letter note or package? Alternatively you could turn it into one of the "ask the TP" moves: "When you shake, sniff or look at a note, or package, you may ask the TP: What's it contain? Gain +1 dice when you act on the insight."
Apart from that it's looking great. I agree that you may have a few too many advanced feats. You got 11, not counting any extra stat Advanced feats. The usual number is 7+2. That said, I think what I'd scratch in order of "scratchworthyness"
- Wait I've Got That Somewhere Here (because it encroaches on the Rowdy's gadget skills)
- The Mail Must get Through (because it encroaches on the Rascal's squeeze skill AND Unexpected entry is essentially the same, just funnier.
- Well Connected: Because it's a Rambler move and adding more new stuff is always cool. People can always mix and match if they want anyway.
- Delivery Error: Because it overlaps with News in a Flash, but the News seems like it has more potential to be useful and/or funny.
Also you are missing a Starting Feat that helps cement the idea at the moment. I think moving one of the Advanced Feats up might help with that. My candidates for that in order of "startingness" would be:
- Official Papers because it puts a focus on the "official business" and duty aspects of the messenger. Gives them an air of importance I think that might be fun. In this case the question could be about the form and/or origin of these papers?
- It’s in the Air! Goal! because throwing things probably comes in quite handy. (Oh "Air Mail" would be another fun name for the feat!)
- Better Than Walking because they are all about covering large distances and that gives you access to fun shenangians
Hope that helps!