it saddens me to know you feel embarrassed now and a non-native English speaker, please be gentler on yourself! If I were to attempt to write a full-fledged fictional narrative in a language I only know colloquially, I'd struggle so much as well! That too, with the kind of complex themes you've gone for (I think these are themes close to your heart?)
That'd be pain!
You might not always be concise but I have enjoyed reading quite a few of your comments, it shows such a depth in the way you see the world! And your words have intention - I actually hope you'd be more consistently proud!
I made it a point to complete your game because you come across as such a sensitive, considerate and helpful soul - but not just that, the philosophical bent you have resonates with me!
With your sincerity, I'm sure you'll just keep getting better and better with your skills...go for it!