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Beautiful game with a movement system that takes some getting used to but feels very nice once it clicks. Pretty much a perfect submission in my eyes.

Though you might have made the same mistake as me in making the ending of the game so hard to reach that most people stop playing before being able to get a spot on the leaderboard.

But I did not only finish but then also went back to improve my time to about 50% of my first try. You can really feel yourself getting better at maneuvering the koi the more you play. Great job!


I always have a bit of trouble making games that aren't too difficult 😅. Still, I'm very happy to see that several people have managed to reach the end. Thank you so much for playing. I'm glad you liked it ❤️


I totally get it... towards the end of this jam's development time I actually thought about making parts of my game harder, because they just felt boring to me. If I ever participate in a speed jam again I will make sure to have multiple levels with increasing difficulty.  I think if there's at least one level where player's to be able to get onto a leaderboard it makes it way more likely for them to stick around and play more.

E.g. I was very close to giving up on the last jump of your game as well. I think I had to put in close to 20 minutes, which tbh most people simply won't, especially not if they don't feel like making progress. Most players probably won't even try on the same level for 2 minutes, let alone 20 :D I'm sure it's very similar for my game, so this was a big learning for me.