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Florian Castel

A member registered Jul 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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I watched the walkthrough video after I completed the game. I used a different solution in almost every level!

That's very satisfying to watch! I think I beat around 90% of the levels by accident in my first playthrough. After I finished the game, I read the instruction to know what was actually happening 😅. But the idea is really cool. Great job!

Very cute platformer! I like how you ride the bubbles :) 🫧

You didn't even beat the game in your speedrun! I did my own run and finished the game in 4:22.74 :)

Really nice game! I love the idea and the puzzle are well made. The narrator is a fun little addition :)

I've played a lot of games like this, where you keep moving until you hit a wall. But the scaling mechanic and the pistons add so much more depth to the puzzles. You had some very cleaver ideas! I was able to beat around half of the levels. Maybe it could be nice to be able to skip the levels if you are stuck, because I'm curious to see what the last few levels look like! 

I really like this type of puzzle game and the mechanics in this one are quite interesting. It would be nice to be able to place only one block at a time to make it easier to be precise. 

It was very chaotic, and I kinda like it! I managed to reach the end mostly by clicking everywhere and hoping for the best. Maybe more indications on what painting customers are currently looking at and the expected distance (or view angle) would make it easier to understand what's happening and strategize.

I didn't expect I would be fighting a giant snowman in space! That was such a fun game! It took me some time to beat the boss because it's quite difficult but I like the challenge :)
Maybe it could be nice to have a checkpoint after the boss, because I didn't have the courage to start all over again 😅

Very funny and silly game! It would be nice to have a needle to know more precisely what's heavier. But I really like the sound effects and the little faces on the weights :)

Very cleaver game! My only complaint would be that it's too easy to move the tiny box out of the platform and you have to reset the level. Some of the solution felt a little weird an unintuitive, but I love the variety of puzzles and I had a lot of fun :)

That's such a cool idea! Probably my favorite puzzle game I've played so far in the jam. For some reason it's very small on my screen and resize the page doesn't fix the issue. But the game itself is great :)

I love the art style on this one! Such a simple yet well though game loop. It's very interesting to try to strategize, choosing what unit to keep, to level up or position. It would be cool if you had to fight some sort of boss once in a while to keep the player invested.

Cute little platformer! I like how the player has to make use of the differents sizes to get through the levels. The platformer physics are pretty good, but I felt that the interaction with the blue zone was a little inconsistent. It would be nice to have a little bit of coyote time to make some jumps easier and less precise.
The collectible are a nice touch. I had fun looking for optional paths to try to find every secret in the game :)

You can press E to use the rocket jump. It's written on the itch page but I didn't have time to add the instruction in the game because I added the feature 3 minutes before the deadline 😅.

I knew someone would make a game like this and I was looking forward to playing some of them. I love how you can shoot yourself to change your own size. The platformer physics are a little weird sometimes but the idea is very well executed! Well done :)

Nice little puzzle game! The visuals are simple but clean and polished and I like the relaxing music in the background :)
The gameplay mechanics are nice too but the location of the end platform probably add an unnecessary layer of difficulty. It's hard to tell how high it is and it's a lot of trial and error to get the correct size for the cubes.

This was pretty challenging! I really like it though. It's always nice to have many checkpoints so you can retry quickly. Nice game :)

That was pretty fun! Looks very clean and polished. It would be nice if there was some sort of indicator toward the nearest shapes to destroy. But overall it's a very solid entry :)

I love the energy of this game! The music and the rainbow trail are perfect! It was funny to see the car launch into the air when you change size where you're not supposed to. I managed to clip through the ground and fall out of the map😂

Cool idea! The sword animation is very satisfying, especially with the big one! The main mechanic probably has some potential if you can find a way to force the player to use every sword.

Very fun and satisfying! That feels like such a juicy and polished game! It would be cool to have a timer or score system to know how far you survived in the game :)

Going to the quest makers is easy but hitting other players is fun! At the early stage of the game, there was no money and upgrade, and the sword was just to push people and move more easily when you are surrounded by other players. I just thought making them drop coins would make it a little more satisfying. And you can buy and upgrade to lower the cooldown 😉

I really like how the game looks and the movement feels really good. I'd love to see more levels so see the full potential of the magic beans!

Nice little tower defense game. I really like it! It would be nice to see the cost of the actions, which could be useful, especially for the first few rounds. But otherwise I had a lot of fun! Well done :)

Sometimes it behaves a bit weird when I move my mouse too quickly. Parts connect to the station without being connected to it. But overall it's pretty nice! I like the way the game zooms in to give you space and it's very satisfying to see your structure getting bigger and bigger.

That's a great idea! Simple but very well executed and very satisfying to play.

Very creative idea! I had a lot of fun driving around and exploring the map. A tutorial on a smaller scale could be very useful since the big map is quite overwhelming.

Nice puzzle game! It reminds me of the game "Sleepy Blocks" from the GMTK jam 2021. But I like how you need to match the colors to solve the puzzles. It probably adds even more potential to the idea :)

It's quite short but it's so satisfying to see your army of zombies in no time. Very fun game!

Simple but well done. Now I wanna see the lizard run with its new tail!

That feels like such a unique game! It's quite confusing at first, and I didn't manage to reach the end. But the art style is incredible, and I feel like the mechanics has a lot of potential. Great job!

Super fun game and great idea! I feel like I win by chance most of the time, but I love seeing how my creations come to life and trying to think several steps ahead to succeed in the following rounds.

That's a very cleaver idea! I love this type of puzzle game and it fits the theme perfectly.

That's extremely impressive for a 7-day job. I thought it was a bit slow and I would have liked the parts where you have to wait to be shorter. Also, I would have liked there to be a checkpoint just before the platforming part. But overall the game is excellent and I can see it getting one of the top spots in the jam.

(3 edits)

I really like this type of aesthetics. It feels very clean and polished. I feel like the level design was very good (except for that level 3 activator that was quite confusing). It would have been very interesting if the levels had allowed us to continue interacting with the previous level to solve the puzzles. Because apart from this pretty cool transition between levels, the nested structure of the levels has no impact on the gameplay.

But overall it was a great game. I really like it. I think this kind of mechanics have a lot of potential :)

Weirdest game I've ever played and I love that so much!

It was very challenging. For some reason, I kept pressing the wrong buttons and killing myself when there was only one enemy left. It really felt like a complete game, and it was very fun to play. Great job! 

P.S. I noticed that you can duplicate shells if you stun the enemy with and air dash and press L again right after.

Simple idea but very well executed and with a great level design! It would have been nice to have a bit of coyote time, which would have saved me a few times, but it's a tiny detail. Great game!

The controls are not the most intuitive in my opinion but the idea is great. Good job :)