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  • Nice cover and fancy intro transition to the startscreen!
  • Great manga art and funny story
  • Good stroytelling and I liked the humour
  • Nice floating mechanic, it takes a while to understand how the gage works. Meaning how much you have to crank until it takes effect and how long it has to turn down again. Also the direction felt a bit different in that aspect.
  • A lot of levels, sometimes the feel very tight and controls didn't feel like that straigth forward. So some level were frustrating

Thanks - appreciate you taking the time to drop some feedback.

There are certainly a couple of levels I'd have probably swapped out for being a little too mean if I'd spent more than a week on it, though at a certain point I guess I spent enough time replaying things that I maybe got a little too good at manipulating the controls - "If I can complete it then it's probably fine" isn't always the best mindset to have when putting together stage designs!

It's tottaly normal to get to used ro your own game :)

And not a problem for a game jam.

Usually playtesting with fresh players helps to see the different perspective. I find level progression one of the hardest things in game design.