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I don't know what you posted and deleted, but if you're feeling overwhelmed by the support which your game recently has, and feel obligated to make an update, DON'T RUSH, relax and take a break as long as you want, then return to game dev when you're mentally and physically prepared, you have the potential and skills, and we can all wait for your next project/update (however you call it), so take it easy.

On the other hand, it's alright if you can't continue the story for LUNA, this is your first game after all and perhaps it's better if this game stays simple and short the way it is, however, I'm sure that people will  want to see more official arts for Luna and Kylar from you, it'd be great if you feature them as NPC characters in your next game or something, but it's all your choice, so stay cool and don't rush art!

Thank you! I'm really glad that everyone is so patient with me, receiving so much attention after making games for myself for so long is really really strange (and very fun) but I'm adapting