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hello,I have i problem with locomotives,they keep derailing and I don´t know what to do. Can I ask for help ? Sorry for the mistakes, I´m not very good at English 

Hi, I have the same problems with all bigger locomotives since the last update. The small ones (799000€) are working fine
The SD40 has got most problems. That one can't even stay straigt on the tracks when unfolded. I hope it will be fixed soon

Some people are reporting that they had to sell all locomotives and repurchase them after the last update. There were major suspension changes. So try selling all locomotives and repurchase them

(3 edits)

Ahoj, už jsem to zkoušel a nepomohlo to. Pak mě napadlo mod odinstalovat a jeho opětovná instalace nepomohla. Mohu tedy požádat o pomoc, prosím?file:///C:/Users/42072/OneDrive/Desktop/screan%20shoty%20blitz/Farming%20Simulator%2022%202024-06-01%2018-07-50.mp4

I am sending you a short video here

Try selling all locomotives and repurchasing. Some people were reporting errors and issues that would be fixed after selling and repurchasing

Hi, After selling and repurchasing the locomotives the troubles are already getting better but the big locomotives keep derailing on switches and where rails fit together. Cars and the small locomotives arent having troubles. Testet in a MP sesion

hmmm.. I have not ever done testing in MP, are you experiencing the same issues in single player? Also, it sound like you might have the animated objects mod? That will cause many issues with switches in particular