Hi, I have the same problems with all bigger locomotives since the last update. The small ones (799000€) are working fine The SD40 has got most problems. That one can't even stay straigt on the tracks when unfolded. I hope it will be fixed soon
Some people are reporting that they had to sell all locomotives and repurchase them after the last update. There were major suspension changes. So try selling all locomotives and repurchase them
Ahoj, už jsem to zkoušel a nepomohlo to. Pak mě napadlo mod odinstalovat a jeho opětovná instalace nepomohla. Mohu tedy požádat o pomoc, prosím?file:///C:/Users/42072/OneDrive/Desktop/screan%20shoty%20blitz/Farming%20Simulator%2022%202024-06-01%2018-07-50.mp4