First jam... started with unity a few years ago, but lost interest after a few tutorials. Heard last year about godot and gave it a try, did a few tutorials too and even started one of my game ideas and soon realized that I would need way way more custom assets than I was comfortable making. Bought a few humblebundle courses a few weeks ago which I liked and saw this jam by accident. I planned using mostly finished asset packs because my passion is coding, not art.
While I am coding for over 30 years, I never made a game bigger than flappy bird by myself, so I am very happy I am finally getting started.
As the jam started it didn't take long to click for my idea. Found a suitable asset pack and gave it a go. Currently I am good on "system" progress, and a little behind on content. I hope that I'll get at least three levels more done and the sounds/music by sunday so I can spend the rest of the time on polish :)