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Haha, I figured you would! A few of us had, you are the monster angles in there.

Yup! I wish leveling was in there too haha. The way I am going to have it work is a monster gets points for failing tasks / being risky.  Eventually a bit more HP and stat points. And obviously more fun abilities. All for V2.

Thanks! I'm really proud of my session 0. It's something I wish more games did. More content to come. With more lore hooks (not a ton... not looking to bog the players down with history)! But that's another thing that I want to avoid is too much lore. There are so many content rich settings that overload new players with their rich histories to the point that players have a really high point of entry. And if you like that, great! But for the rest of us... lore hooks.

No worries! I was really looking forward to your review and am glad to see it. Been noticing your name pop up a lot as well for reviews... so awesome job! I just feel like everyone put in so much work that it would be crazy not to give these games the effort that was put in. Thanks again!