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(2 edits)

There are some serious bugs with current vore mechanic:

1. Game considers you eating someone in battle if you use swallow and trigger low hp enemy event. This aspect leads to several other problems.

2. Entering battle on full stomach and beating enemy with normal attacks still trigger low hp event as if you swallowed enemy, this leads to burst game over after battle.

3. If you have enough damage you can outright skip this event by dealing with last 20-30% of enemy health in one turn. Thus the game doesn't count whis as eating the enemy and digestion event doesn't trigger.

4. Unlocking and using swallow lv2 doesn't increase your capacity and you still burst with 2 prey inside.

5. If you eat two enemies in one battle it counts as one. (maybe low hp triggers only one time per battle, i didn't check this one throughly)

6. Consume can be used on the same target several times.