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A topic by Vindath created Jun 01, 2024 Views: 979 Replies: 26
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A topic for found bugs

Revisiting locations with events makes character sprites appear after the event already happened. Unfortunately can't add image for example due to post restrictions here.


Yeah unfortunately I have tried for hours on how to fix this issue. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be amazing, but sadly, I cannot figure out how to fix it like that. The best I was able to do was fade it out, delete the sprites and fade back in.

Maybe it has something to do with map data, since they appear, but they are non interactable. I'm not a programmer, so it's just a wild guess. Also you can try asking in rpgmaker forums about it, maybe someone from there knows how to tackle this.

Most of the events retrigger when you move on the tile that triggers it or interact with something/someone. For example: each time you leave village you are asked about your equipment; in the cave walking back to tile that triggered talk between elf and tigercow makes it trigger again; same thing with lady Azuron boss battle.

How do you end up leaving the city? Ive gotten gear but it still tells me i need to help sasha out

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Did you check the book at her house? There is an event with that.
Edit: Nevermind, it's a new bug.

Alright so its not just me then

Does that mean you cant get passed it yet?

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Unless you have saves past that point from the very first version - no. I can share, but i don't think Itch allows file sharing or putting links here.

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Lady Azuron battle doesn't progress the plot further: Sasha doesn't join back the party, Azuron stays in the same place and can be beaten again.

This means you can't get Sasha back and it kinda breaks the whole plot. Yet you still can sail further.

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There are some serious bugs with current vore mechanic:

1. Game considers you eating someone in battle if you use swallow and trigger low hp enemy event. This aspect leads to several other problems.

2. Entering battle on full stomach and beating enemy with normal attacks still trigger low hp event as if you swallowed enemy, this leads to burst game over after battle.

3. If you have enough damage you can outright skip this event by dealing with last 20-30% of enemy health in one turn. Thus the game doesn't count whis as eating the enemy and digestion event doesn't trigger.

4. Unlocking and using swallow lv2 doesn't increase your capacity and you still burst with 2 prey inside.

5. If you eat two enemies in one battle it counts as one. (maybe low hp triggers only one time per battle, i didn't check this one throughly)

6. Consume can be used on the same target several times.

Strange player behaviour should be taken into account, since you are usually not restricted from skipping events (except that chest event) and it can break other events afterwards. For example you can skip talk with party members and the dream event and just go further into the cave. Or you can press guard instead of swallow when you first get the swallow skill and you still will get the swallow event going.

Lava map allows player to walk on lava and walls. Also winning 3 lava slimes boss battle didn't let me proceed further, but that may be because my party is bugged and has only Ashe in it.


Thank you for looking into all of these! I will try and fix them and let you know afterwards

having a heap of trouble with this. i do the book thing, talk to angel. sasha joins party. cannot leave town, even after getting equipment. go back to sasha house, whole thing plays and stuck in loop. help please. paid money for this, not happy. did not even get to see vore. upset

In 1.01 measures against strange player behaviour don't work correctly, since the events themselves aren't considered complete. For example: book event adds Sasha in your party, but doesn't let you leave town; rescuing girl from wolves adds a new party member, but doesn't let you proceed further into the forest.

Vore mechanic is still bugged: burp lv2 doesn't heal, burps can miss somehow (maybe this one is intended), burps can be used on target that isn't swallowed, you get several swallow lv1 skills which don't heal, first one doesn't do damage on use and disappears in the current battle, second one can be used continuosly and does damage (still doesn't heal).

In the prison killing the guard doesn't let you proceed because the guard blocks the way and isn't interactable, so you can't progress any further. In prison cells triggering release of Amber and Elizabeth is kinda tricky since you need to find the exact one tile, which can be easily missed

Current version is bugged and can't progress past intro area

Stuck in the forest despite saving the girl, reloading doesn't work.

Same, after saving the girl can't progres

save girl she remans on map so can't move on trapped

hi im not sure if this is a bug or im missing something, in the fire area the ladder says boss level 5 needed, i have leveled everyone to 5 and 6 and it still tells me to level up and come back, is this a bug or is their a path im missing?

Tried the recent version and the guard in prison still doesn't disappear after being defeated and blocks the way near ladder.

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For some reason I can't click Z or X or anything to advance through text; I have to wait ~5s for it to advance on its own and it's made the game real slow and plodding to get through - especially for things like talking to the shopkeeper

Also not sure if it's a bug but there seems to be no settings menu for changing volume

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So I downloaded the game and played for a bit beaten the treasure chest wolf girl went in to other part of map,saved the girl begin attacked by the wolves,and then went to bottom part of the map saying an repetable prompt,save the girl begin attacked wich I aleardy did,and it makes me very annoyed that i aleardy have them recruited.Do i have to walk to certian tile first and then save the girl cause,this very confusing and displeasing to not able progress out of proulouge and it annoyed me very much.

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Right, finally managed to get through the game and all and all, the writing is, while amateurish, has good ideas. What IS bad, though, is the amount of bugs. Had to learn how to use RPG Maker editor and how to decompile games in order to get through several zones either due to broken events or transitions being linked to wrong areas. Hope that the author returns to that game after the rough start cuz ngl, i would not mind seeing more. From the bugs that i can remember, second forest area, the one where Amber joins you, has broken transition and it wont let you pass. Then exiting from dungeon, it just replays the event that played on entry into the city infinitely. Then exiting the inn, it puts you into pre-dungeon phase, making it impossible to progress.