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Spoilers will follow: read first or continue at your own peril.

I'm back again because I'm doing this in submission order and you were powerful enough to be two of the first three submitters!

Theme: Aough! The little mpreg surprise at the end? And expansion of the sort of animal people through the loneliness howl of people touching out? You're wilding. You are wild for that. I do appreciate that potent dad nut though heehee.

I am angry that Radolf wasn't also knocked up. Selfish lover didn't bottom ONCE in all that time? Rude. Have them both be pregnant.  Make them expand further!!

Story:  Girl. You went WILD here. The fucking alien tech breeding program? Excuse me? What was a werewolf into a horny into an x-files sort of story, you then kicked up to 100. Wild.

I was initially confused for a bit, in that I thought Radolf bit Amaruq in that attack, but that's because I didn't realize what conked him out was the howl. I thought it was like "My man was so horny he attacked his bestie to make him a wolf man". You did go over that further as it went, but I still wasn't getting that outright, and I wonder if that'll be true for others in their confusion or just me.

You still have that consistent voices for all your characters, like the rude nurse. Great! Amaruq would never say 'mo'fo' though, that felt wrong to me lol.

I felt it was a bit much that Amaruq was perfectly cool with Radolf following the issue. Even if Radolf only unintentionally put Amaruq into a two-week coma, his parents could have potentially had the plug pulled him on him. I guess the pheromones were overtaking good reason, but the plot goes at 100% the whole time for the most part, and maybe it could have stood to have a little more peaks and valleys to address that sort of feeling?

The part about the aliens was like... wild to me. If that was only done for the mpreg? Okay, I begrudgingly accept that, but still.... it didn't feel smoothly integrated to me. I was prepared for magic, not advanced alien tech (and yes, I know Clarke's third law).

The other bear couple was a curious hint-- I almost wondered if the other agent was the original one but mind-wiped, because that seemed possible now with alien tech. It did feel a bit deus ex machina to have him come in and just release them with new identities-- there's no paper trail at all in this mess? No investigation to confirm the dead bodies?

How are they even being detected if it's just by name? Just looking around for anyone named wolf or any other animal in any language and testing them? That's wild. That's cray. They should have some measure of testing given the alien tech, and if that was the case, have detected that agent and got him earlier? I don't know. I feel like this part got muddied to make it governmental oriented instead of like mystical.

Presentation: Yay sprites looking at each other in the car! Angry that they were facing the screen most of the time.

Boo for having the fucking being blocked with the body without having the body being transparent. While we do appreciate nice asses, that wasn't good blocking (in the other sense) of the scene.

It was funny how you re-used the flashback wolf as their child for your other game, leading me to joke that this was the prequel.

Your two virgins really did speak like virgins, which was both appropriate in context, and also oofie.

That cock was GIANT. a FUCKING CANTELOPE? EXCUSE ME? THE RED EYES IN THE SEX SCENE? You were cooking, and you may have burnt it a little with how much you were playing with fire.

Some of the expression I really enjoyed (the shook one), and I didn't love Radolf's cocky/smug ones. You knocked out Amaruq for two weeks (even it was partially due to falling onto concrete) because you were so damn horny. You shouldn't be smug, mister.

Also, this does merit saying, pop off for making more sprites again and more music (i think?), although that music was a bit too repetitive in the internal structure in tandem with it looping. I kept feeling like it was looping and no, that was just the song's internal repetition prior to the loop.

Creativity: Okay, you took a werewolf tale in an x-files place and then went to aliens. You were wilding here. The thought this could be a backstory for your other work, even though it wasn't likely? Even more wild. Pop off king. I also appreciate the mpreg.

Overall thoughts: Mpreg we stan, even with the selfish lover not also getting knocked up. Messed up, tbh. Rude of Radolf. Amaruq you could do better.

You're wild to do two, and I'm quite curious to see what happens at the end of the month. Keep up the hustle, my man!

Thanks for the thorough reviews!  I tried to do different things with each, since I'm still learning, and trying to find what my style is.  

Part two was totally rushed; I had to stop after releasing the first part for nearly two weeks before touching the second act, and by then I was afraid I may run out of time going with my original plan, which would have been around 22,000 words, and went into 'how can I tie this story up within a few days' mode.  

Intimate scenes are not my strong suit, and in answer to your initial question, yes, in the original idea I had, red wolf was going to be knocked up, too.  I had another scene planned for the end, but not enough time left to draw it out, so it was sadly scrapped.

On the sprite positioning, since I have no programming experience and literally never touched Ren'Py until after I released my first game (originally built in Tyranobuilder, then ported over so I could have Mac and Android versions), I hadn't yet learned how to alter the sprites' positions from the three defaults.  

I had considered adding transparent space to the sides of the sprites to compensate on the positioning, but realized it would mess up other areas where I actually would want the sprites in certain places (like the car).  Literally on the last day of the jam, I saw where someone posted  the Ren'Py visual plug in to determine sprite positions in game and proceeded to slap myself in the forehead thinking if only I had this all along!

I may have made the wrong choice, but I felt making a few small projects would be more beneficial to me than one larger one so I could play around with different concepts, and in the end, I do feel I've learned more that way, with how my brain works (or doesn't)!

Thanks again for your feedback!


There is also benefit to trying out a lot of things, can't deny that. best of luck in your future endeavors!