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(2 edits)

Hi Ritter - I have a question.

I am using the Hakuen Studio Self Variable Plugin and have added increasing time-based Self Variables to spawned events and use your plugin to spawn these events.

The plugins work flawlessly together as long as I don't leave the map where I spawn your event. 

If I leave the map and re-enter the original map where the event has spawned, I receive this error.

I spawn your event. I leave the map. I re-enter the map and game crashes. Game doesn't crash if self-variables are not enabled. 

Any idea why this is happening, or is this something I should reach out to Hakuen Studio about?

Game works fine if events are not spawned using your plugin but are already placed within the map. Crash only happens with spawned events.

I'm taking a look into it and so far I'm unable to replicate the crash (using Ultimate Event Spawner v1.8). I seem to have both plugins working together even after a map change. I've tried setting self variables on temp events and leaving the map and returning which works (I wouldn't advise using temporary spawned events with these self variables but i tested it anyway), I also did the same with saved spawn events which also worked when returning to the map.

At this point I'm not sure what's causing your problems but it seems like it might be deeper than these 2 plugins conflicting. I'd need more information or a dummy project which crashes (remove all the plugins from js/plugins folder before zipping it, if you decide to do this) 

(1 edit)


To yourself any anyone reading this, I meant to post this in the MZ plugin, not the MV plugin. 

I will try to get that to you that information and video later today after work and will repost in the correct thread. My apologies for the wrong thread.

I'll do it on a fresh save with only those two plugins and will send over to you later today (: Your activity and willingness to help is incredible. Will see if it's a deeper issue, my brain is definitely confused by this one haha