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Hello! It appears you may just need to remove the saved event data when unspawning a saved event.

let eventId = this._eventId;
let removeSave = true;
Ritter.unspawnEvent(eventId, removeSave);

typically you would remove the saved event data unless there is a specific need for retaining the data and the event it was tied to, it's left available as an option but typically you'd be removing the saved event data when unspawning.

If you remove the save data when you unspawn a saved event the unspawned event should be returned to the pool and continue to be recycled as normal.

For all intents and purposes a saved event is a "real" event, it will always exist and it will be treated differently until the saved event data is removed.

as a side note your fears are not unfounded, if you aren't removing saved event data then you will end up with thousands of events on the map which will cause performance issues. As long as we're managing our saved events properly and keeping the number of events active at once in check (ie not having 5000 events active on the map at once) then you should be able to spawn millions of events and never have those performance drops which are caused by too many events on the map.

Thank you and I hope this solves your issue! Good luck with your project!

I'm glad everything worked out! Good luck with your project!

Wonderful! I'm glad you got it all working! If you encounter any other problems be sure to let me know!

Happy game making!

(1 edit)

Hello! I've just released an update which I believe should fix your issue!

I've changed where the data is being preloaded from which should remove the need for Scene_Title and hopefully fix your issue.

Also be sure that you're following the steps from the ChildMap section. You can change the tag to anything, a * or a - or whatever. If you don't follow that step you might get that same kind of error

Let me know how it goes!

(2 edits)

Hello! Unfortunately this plugin does not handle this, as this plugin is video/movie oriented, but I did make another plugin which does do this! You can find it here:

The Title Progression plugin also allows you to set the background music for the title screen as well, in case that's something you'd also be interested in :]

Thank you for taking an interest in my plugins! Happy game making!

You should have both mp4 and webm versions of your video files within your movies folder, though typically if you're missing the webm version you would just end up having no videos playing on your title screen, what kind of black screen are you getting? Like it never even reaches the title screen? Or is the background behind the title screen black?

If it's just a black screen before the title screen and you never get to the title screen then it might be worthwhile to test disabling other plugins to see if any of them are conflicting somehow. 

Also ensure that your videos are converted properly from mp4 to webm, incorrect conversion can cause issues as well.

If we can find an incompatibility I'll get to work finding a fix for it.

Hello, I'm sorry you're having this issue! I'm not too sure what's causing this to happen, it appears you've set up the parameters correctly and have the video files in the correct folder.
Is there perhaps another plugin which might be conflicting with this one?  When do you get a black screen? Immediately upon boot? Does it say anything in console? 

If you're still having this issue then I'll need more information to understand why it's happening and I'll be happy to help solve it.

Thank you and good luck!

Hello, that's an interesting one! I'll take a look into it and see if I can replicate the behavior and find a fix as soon as I can.

Thank you for reporting this!

Hey I just sent you a friend request on discord we can talk there

(1 edit)

Hello, I'll take a look at it soon thank you for throwing that together, but I noticed in the spawned event in which you were saying might be the problematic one  I saw that you're Erasing the event instead of unspawning it. I'm not sure if that's what's  causing the problem but if you do erase a saved event then when the event is respawned it would be respawned as an erased event whenever you return to the map. 

If you no longer need an event you should Unspawn it and remove the save data as well.

From what I see here it appears to me that this event would be getting respawned as an erased event, this is assuming that it's also a saved event itself, so even if it's not causing this problem it's probably unintended behavior occurring nonetheless. If you're spawning a saved event, interacting with it and erasing the event after it spawns another saved event then you're not actually removing any saved data so when you return to the map any erased events would be restored as erased events and might cause unexpected behavior. I'd say a great starting point would be to check your events and make sure if you're spawning them then you'll be unspawning them to remove them, and if you no longer need the saved data then be sure to remove that too in the plugin command.

I did run some tests in my demo project earlier after seeing your video and tried to do all the things you did in your video, just doing it manually without your plugin, I was able to spawn a saved event and set a selfVariable value to it, then i saved the game went to another map saved the game to another slot then changed the selfVariable value from the other map and then returned to the map with the event and it didn't crash. I kept trying different things to try to get it to crash and couldn't get it to happen.

One other note is the way his Self Variable plugin is structured there isn't really much of a reason for it to conflict with a spawner, as long as the spawner can retain the eventId, such as saved events, there isn't much of a reason I can see which should cause a conflict between the plugins. He's just storing data and tying it to an eventId on tied to game map ids and offers you a convenient way to access it and modify it, it's done well. He doesn't seem to be doing too much with Game_Event that would cause any problems.

Like I said though I'll be taking a look at the project you've provided soon

Let me know if this ended up being the issue, hopefully it was something as simple as this :)

I'm taking a look into it and so far I'm unable to replicate the crash (using Ultimate Event Spawner v1.8). I seem to have both plugins working together even after a map change. I've tried setting self variables on temp events and leaving the map and returning which works (I wouldn't advise using temporary spawned events with these self variables but i tested it anyway), I also did the same with saved spawn events which also worked when returning to the map.

At this point I'm not sure what's causing your problems but it seems like it might be deeper than these 2 plugins conflicting. I'd need more information or a dummy project which crashes (remove all the plugins from js/plugins folder before zipping it, if you decide to do this) 

(2 edits)

I went and downloaded the demo project I uploaded to see if I managed to accidentally upload an old file but the demo available on this store page is indeed the updated version which should work fine.

The newest version of the demo project should give you two choices when you talk to the boundary system npc:

'The Basics'

'Lava Adventure'

If you're still being sent to the 'Oasis' map, which has the clock/timer you speak of, and it's spawning flower events then that's the old demo scene. You'll have to download the updated demo project from this store page and unzip it, then place the newest versions of the Event Spawner and Boundary system inside the js/plugins folder and then go into the projects plugin manager and check the box to enable the event spawner and the boundary system. 

Then you should be able to play test and talk to the Boundary NPC and see the two new scenes as choices. I discontinued that old oasis demo map because it was easier to just create new scenes than to update the old scene, and the new scenes turned out much better imo.


After downloading the demo project and both the event spawner and the boundary system plugin I realized I didn't upload the newest version of the Boundary system, so you might need to re-download the boundary system as well, It was just updated. This oversight wouldn't have caused your original problem but it would have led you right into a different error. With the new demo project and both new versions of the plugin you should be able to access the new demo scenes without problems.

Setup instructions are repeated in this devlog. Screenshtos of the new scenes are included so you know what to look for, if you see 'The Basics' map which is the black background one and the Lava Adventure map, the lava map, then you're using the correct version of the demo.

Did you download the updated demo project?  The updated demo project has two entirely new scenes for the boundary system which does not have a timer/clock in them. It sounds like you're accessing the old demo map

Hello! I got a little carried away with the demo but decided it's good enough to release now, I'll likely update it again in the near future to add in a few more ideas but for now it shows plenty of how boundaries work and I don't want to leave you hanging longer over nit picking details.

Give it a look, I hope it helps you!

There is also an update for the Event Spawner to v1.8 which includes an optimization improvement for auto boundaries as well.

Just download the new demo and unzip it, place the Event Spawner (preferably the newest version 1.8) and the Boundary system (Your existing copy should be up to date) plugins into the demo projects js/plugins folder then enable the Event Spawner and the Boundary system in the demo projects plugin manager.

If you know a little bit of javascript you should be able to adjust the code within the Ritter.canSpawnOn function in the plugin code.

it's a pretty straightforward function and easy to add to or remove things from.

Ritter.canSpawnOn = function(x, y, regions) {

    var region = $gameMap.regionId(x,y);

    //if ($gameMap.eventsXy(x, y).length > 0) return false;

    //if ($gamePlayer.x == x && $gamePlayer.y == y) return false;

    if (regions && !regions.contains(region)) return false;

    if (!$gameMap.isPassable(x,y)) return false;

    return true;


So if you wanted to spawn on top of the player and on top of other events you can simply comment out the two lines as shown above, but if you wanted more control you can expand on the if statements and set more conditions as well.

This is indeed expected behavior as a basic canSpawnOn function, but I left it very easy to edit, just return true if the spawner can spawn on the tile or false if not. The function is structured so it will first attempt to return false but if it passes all the conditions it'll return true at the bottom.

I hope this helps, and if you need further help be sure to ask!


All of my plugins have their terms listed on the store page, all of them grant you rights to use commercially with purchase in as many projects as you'd like.

There is an MV version of this plugin but it doesn't have all of the features this mz version offers. 

As far as which version of RPG maker to use I'd say you should use whichever version offers you the best tools to help you complete your project.

(1 edit)

Hello, just posting an update here that I am working on an updated demo scene for the boundary system which should fix the problems in the demo. 

When updating the plugin over time I managed to break the boundary demo and never got around to fixing it, hopefully when the demo is updated and working it will resolve your issues.

Given the error you've shown I'd say in the meantime it might help to double check for typos in both your spawn and unspawn boundary name fields within the AddAutoHandler plugin commands. I encountered the same exact error when making a typo in the unspawn. Ensure that your AutoHandler Boundary Name matches your Boundary Name, and also ensure that if you're using an unspawn boundary that the correct name is placed within the Unspawn settings as well (this should be a name of a spawn boundary, it tells the unspawn boundary what events it's allowed to unspawn.)

Hello sorry about the delay, have you resolved this issue? Knowing which line number the error is thrown on would help to know what's happening.

(1 edit)

Hello! I would probably do something like this:

let player = $gamePlayer;

let x = player.x;

let y = player.y;

let d = player.direction();

let frontX = x + (d === 6 ? 1 : d === 4 ? -1 : 0);

let frontY = y + (d === 2 ? 1 : d === 8 ? -1 : 0);

front X takes player x location and adds 1 if direction is 6 (facing right) or adds -1 (subtracts 1, if player is facing left) or it adds 0 if neither (player is facing up or down)

frontY takes player y location and adds 1 if the direction is 2 (facing down) or adds -1 (subtracts 1, if the player is facing up) or it adds 0 if neither (player is facing left or right)

This code should give you the x,y coordinates for the tile in front of the player. There are countless other conditions you can set as well, as this doesn't factor in if the tile in front of the player is passable or not. So once you have the frontX and frontY you can then handle whatever other conditions, if any are necessary, before spawning an event.

I just uploaded version 1.0 of the loading screen extension plugin, I decided to make it a separate plugin. It'll work as a standalone or alongside Title Movie plugin. We'll call it a bonus plugin :)

Let me know how it goes and if there's anything else that would be useful which could be added.

Yeah that's not hard for me to do. It's basically just copy pasting and editing some code which already exists in my plugin and hooking it in using a similar method as the pre-title and idle videos. So making a list of videos and picking a random one is something the plugin already does, I'd just need to repurpose some code to do things slightly different to accomplish this for a loading screen.

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a drawing like an image to show over the video? It could a variety of things like set up a list of videos and have it select a random one if you wanted different loading screens that would be easy If you wanted the option of picking a random loading screen video to play from a list that would be easy to add in at this point.

As far as drawing an image that's really easy to implement as well but would it just be static? should it fade in and out? should it be an animated video like a video stack where your gif could be in video format and just stack it on top of the other video? doing something like stacking a video on top of another video would make it possible to have different loading bars while keeping one video in the background the same. there's literally tons of possibilities here lol

 I'm actually getting kind of close to finishing the basic loading screen functionality already, though I haven't tested anything at all yet but It's pretty straightforward to implement.

Well it didn't take too long to get this done! I just uploaded an update to the plugin which should handle what you've requested, albeit a little differently. Instead of using switches we check against the current active video on the title screen.

Using a plugin command we can set what video we want to change the title screen to and a condition known as 'Previous Video' which must match in order for the video to change. I've detailed in the store page above how this works.

I figured this would be a simple way to handle this without using up a bunch of switches, instead we can just use whatever naming convention we're comfortable with to progress our title screen videos :)

Thank you for your interest in the plugin and once again I'm sorry about the long delay in a response!

Sorry about the long delay in response here, at the moment this feature doesn't exist but it's something I could look into adding as an optional feature for the plugin. It seems like an easy to add solid addition to the plugin. I'll do some planning and get to it!

Hello! I'm glad you enjoy the plugin! I'm not too sure what you mean exactly for a loading screen. Do you mean a loading screen/scene that appears before the game starts? What kind of loading screen are you thinking? Something animated with a video or something more simple? It's definitely something that's possible to do but there are different kinds of loading screens. It's something I've never considered before for this plugin. It seems like something that could be evented even, but if I had more information on what you were looking for I could whip up an extension that could act as a 'faked' loading screen if that's what you need but I'd need to know what kind of loading screen you're looking for.

Thank you for your support!

unfortunately not yet, it's a little rough trying to get two spawners to work together especially with obfuscation involved. I'm trying another approach now that you've reminded me about this issue which leans into the spawner that's inside of the eventsmovecore plugin. It's more of a workaround so here's hoping I succeed on this fresh attempt.

It's really a shame that Visustella decided to group their spawner inside of the eventsmovecore plugin which has so many other helpful features. So far I'm seeing some promising signs in my testing but transforming is an issue that I'm trying to resolve.

(1 edit)

Sorry about the delay but I've looked into this and it seems like I've got it working for MZ corescript 1.7.

Just download the new version 1.7 of the event spawner to try it out

let me know if you encounter any issues with it

(the demo will likely still not work when updated, that'll need more work on my end before it works again)

Thank you for your patience!

(1 edit)

Sorry about the delay but I've looked into this and it seems like I've got it working for MZ corescript 1.7.

Just download the new version 1.7 of the event spawner to try it out

let me know if you encounter any issues with it

Thank you for your patience!

Sorry about the delayed response, I'm taking a look into this as soon as I can.

Sorry about this! I'll take a look into this as soon as I can

Great to hear you got it all figured out, nice job! If you encounter any other issues be sure to let me know.

Thank you and Happy Game Making!

Hello! I'm sorry you're experiencing these problems. Are these problems happening when the plugin is running alongside other plugins or is this inside an empty project? It's possible this is a conflict with another plugin as I've never seen these problems before. If we could narrow down the possibilities of where this issue is coming from that would be a huge step toward fixing the issue.

The sound should work on pre-title movies and there is no way to disable it without going into the code so this is likely some kind of conflict causing the issue. As far as the black flash goes this is something i've also never seen happen before.  

If we could locate where this possible conflict is occurring I'll see if I can find a solution.

Thank you and good luck!

Hello, this plugin doesn't quite work like that. What this plugin does is it will return an array containing data from the tiles located on or within the confines of a boundary which can be used to determine if there is an event on a tile within a boundary, or if any tiles within a boundary are a certain regionId, for example. Currently this plugin is used as an extension for the Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner. It's for sale separately to avoid raising the price of the base spawner and to allow others who may see a use in its features to utilize it for other purposes. This plugin could be used to box in events and prevent them from moving outside of those boundaries but that would take additional code written to do so. This plugin could also be used as event detection. Alone this plugin does no more than returning an array of data which you would then need to utilize in some way.

Overall this is an advanced plugin to use especially if it's being used for a purpose other than the Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner. It would without a doubt require more code to be written which utilizes the data it produces.

Hello! Version 1.1 has been released and should fix this problem. Be sure to check the readme included in the download or the devlog for this update before overwriting your old plugin file.

Thank you and good luck!

Hello, I'll take a look into this as soon as I can. Thank you for reporting this.

Hello! I've released version 1.5 of the Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner which includes the saved boundary event changes you've requested. I hope this update works well for you! As always if you encounter any issues be sure to let me know and I'll do my best to address them as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your patience and good luck!

(1 edit)

I've encountered a bug which is causing some saved events to not respawn when they should, resulting in a situation where they sometimes respawn and other times do not, I'm actively working on fixing this before release. I'll update once this issue is resolved.

as far as script call changes and such it's just the addition of one extra argument for save.

Ritter.spawnEventOnBoundary(mapId, eventId, regions, boundaryName, save)
Ritter.spawnEventInBoundary(mapId, eventId, regions, boundaryName, save)
Ritter.spawnFillInBoundary(mapId, eventId, regions, boundaryName, save)
Ritter.spawnFillOnBoundary(mapId, eventId, regions, boundaryName, save)

save would be set to true or false. if no value is set it will default to false.

I'll have a full breakdown in the documentation on the store page which explains how to use saved events. But for now my primary focus is to ensure the saved events are restored correctly without fail.

Hello, just to provide another update so you're not in the dark. I'm getting close to finished with this update, I'm currently running tests to ensure everything is working as intended. I'm hoping to have this finished up late tonight (EST time zone) or by tomorrow night at the latest. So far everything seems to be working well.

On a side note the plugin which will need to be updated on your end is the Ultimate Event Spawner plugin, the boundary system code remains the same after this update. All the code is done within the spawner since this is a spawner related update. 

I'll post here to let you know when the spawner update is ready to be downloaded.

Thank you for your patience! I know it's been a bit of an extended wait.

Hello I'm sorry about the hold up on this update, I've been pretty busy lately, I'm hoping to have this wrapped up over this weekend.

Thank you for your patience