A blast, a fire, a gem.
From the classical and spotless anime art style, to the clever (and slightly spottier) move comb system.
I unfortunately can't love those 40 minutes more than my human limits, and it's safe to say this game will have a safe spot in my heart.
Reading this? why? just play it already.
There's no better love than criticism, so here goes:
-it's often that double size attacks are used after a bunch of modifiers, which is just inconvenient.
-hovering over attacks doesn't show the attack's usage most of the time, which I'm assuming is a bug since it does show about 1/4 of the time.
-Everything's easy, I'm sorry but the final boss was built up to be quite a threat (even if it's intelligible that she's not unstoppable) but personally I swept through her in 4-5 turns.
--You have a lot of damage options with too much space to commit them, you can very easily reach the enemies surrender health range, or accidentally kill them.
---In fact, after your two turns, the battle tends to become more balanced as you have less of said options.
--Enemies have very little to counter your damage.
--Run out of options? spam bat! lmao! pulverize their skull!
-items are, thus, unneeded.
-items are oversupplied.
-health is very easy to regain and retain.
There's a couple more bugs and design issues, and I have a very few issues with some parts of the plot, but overall, amazing.
Don't misread the above list as me having a lot of gripes with this.
From the bottom of the aforementioned, thank you, good luck on the full version.