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its me again, i’ve returned.

some time ago a user said something about a bug that makes him go bankkrupt, i have found it, when you start a new game after playing one round already (and bought the office) you keep that office and the 100k per month cost. 

so play, get the big office. press go to home menu and start a new game, the office will stay.

one can work around / Avoide it by refreshing the web page.                         the save wont be lost and the bug does not occur. 

(have not tested on windows because i am in school )

Thank you! You pinpointed exactly where the bug might occur. It’s always the save system, maybe I should stop taking shortcuts when writing code.

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your welcome, it took quite the time to figure out as well :)

but its better than doing nothing and i had fun playing the game so a win win i guess.

and again, thanks for the nice game. i would have been bored manny hours without it.  (and i enjoy finding bugs and breaking the game too)

maybe i can make a Japanese translation at some point and test out the mod support. or i could try to make a german port (my native language) i would only need to figure out how to write the file that the game could use it.

Sounds great, although I would advise waiting a bit longer before creating mods. I might make some changes that could break mod support and backwards compatibility.

okay, i will wait

Windows version is almost identical to the Web version, you won't need to test it.


i will test it anyways when i have the chance, its not that much work anyways


i tested id, its the same. 

i found a new bug tough, i don’t know how it happened yet.

i pressed some things and did some things with the home screen and save and then i had nan money with nan as every number.

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NaN is not a number so yeah sometimes the computer can just mess up and...NaN

Yeah this was slowing me down a lot in my second run after I went bankrupt I was like what in the world is causing this to happen and then I figured it out all by myself yay me for figuring out something who someone figured out 2 months ago woooooooo