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one can work around / Avoide it by refreshing the web page.                         the save wont be lost and the bug does not occur. 

(have not tested on windows because i am in school )

Thank you! You pinpointed exactly where the bug might occur. It’s always the save system, maybe I should stop taking shortcuts when writing code.

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your welcome, it took quite the time to figure out as well :)

but its better than doing nothing and i had fun playing the game so a win win i guess.

and again, thanks for the nice game. i would have been bored manny hours without it.  (and i enjoy finding bugs and breaking the game too)

maybe i can make a Japanese translation at some point and test out the mod support. or i could try to make a german port (my native language) i would only need to figure out how to write the file that the game could use it.

Sounds great, although I would advise waiting a bit longer before creating mods. I might make some changes that could break mod support and backwards compatibility.

okay, i will wait

Windows version is almost identical to the Web version, you won't need to test it.


i will test it anyways when i have the chance, its not that much work anyways


i tested id, its the same. 

i found a new bug tough, i don’t know how it happened yet.

i pressed some things and did some things with the home screen and save and then i had nan money with nan as every number.

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NaN is not a number so yeah sometimes the computer can just mess up and...NaN