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One problem I ran into is that you click to use the bow, but you also can click to select upgrades, so sometimes you try to shoot but accidentally pick an upgrade you don't want. I recommend making it wait half a second before it accepts clicking the mouse to choose your upgrade. Also, I notice the best strategy is to pick one weapon and stick with it. The different upgrades for a single weapon help each other, but upgrading different weapons doesn't.

(1 edit)

Hi, Daniel, thanks for help!
Yeah, I know about this problem. And you know what - i fixed it before release ( i though that i did it :D ) - but not, and I'm sorry for that.
I just stupidly don't test it after add timer for disable inputs for first .5 sec, now i see that I forgot to handle timer timeout.
Also thanks for playing my very first game  - that's means a lot for me!
Bug fixed in 0.2.2 version