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(2 edits) (+1)

That was harsh X_X But I get it. It is simplistic, and it is made by one person and it took like just a few hours. The magic lays in the onboarding process to guide the player through the tasks, intuitive gameplay, polished as possible, while keeping a self-explanatory short gameloop.

Which some egyptian themed games could really make use of, instead of a one-page-display of all info at once leading into minutes of not getting anything done ingame, while having a team of like 5-6 people to get not just the mechanics done, but also some good gameplay and smooth onboarding and explaining tasks ingame instead of leaving the player alone with a wall of text. Given the use of ChatGPT one should expect people could simply ask "How do I make my game intuitive?".

An eye for an eye my friend.

But together we'd create a good looking game with a more complex game mechanic that plays intuitive and guides the player through the game properly.


Ha, Nice one! Nailed this upstart!