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A member registered Feb 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Now you can check out polished verison of this game! Actual verison has hints, and has no critical bug that would prevent you to build next floors

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Looks that game is dangerous for my videocard or something... played 3 times, got 3 critical pc reboots at same game place, is this something special with dirt tiles? they became violet when  i switched monitors. My viewers played game too, and some of them got very high videocard load, but only my pc rebooted every time

Edit: Found some info about broken html build in game description, tried standalone version. It works ok, but i can't get feathers from birds, i tried to kill em and use "E" key that instruction says. Is it bugged or i missed something? Ingame art and animation look beautiful, kinda Don't starve vibes

Second level was really hard to beat, i think i won, but level didn't end then. Are there more lvls than 2 here?

Looks like best game on this jam, love retro graphics. Good job, guys!

Nice pixel art! is there an ending here?

Very meditative gameplay! My best height is 51!

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My best score is 312 . Who got more?

Every time i started next round after lose shop was empty on first 2-3 rounds at least. "I've fixed that bug but can't deploy a new build until the jam is over" - same thing, our game is impossible to compelete because of critical bug too :)

Idea and realization are nice, but 60 days challenge is too long. How big raiders army will be near 60 day? on 5 day there were 2 boats of them

Tried to compete first level without reading instructions. Fatal mistake it was...

Solved all puzzles easily? What tools  did you use to create this game? Only js?

Movement looks funny. got an idea to make game where character moves only backwards and makes backflip on jumps. Once i got a bug(?), my blocks stop to remove. I built giant ladder  but it didn't help me to cross a pit at right side of map, background tiles ended there, looks like and end of game there

Ha, Nice one! Nailed this upstart!

Funny scream at ending, game time was pretty long

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Pretty funny and stylish, i can entomb myself event without concrete, by placing blocks on my head

scriptize java yourself

Game can play itself, i love the main menu animation when hit start button

addictive gameplay and nice visual part. Lost every time with lot of money, i think it's a bug. After lose shop stops to give you more items

Funny easter egg, if you will turn back and ride up to the mointain over the wall - game will be won

Funny stuff! Is it ends on showing cup?

Found easter egg, we can wall jump here - so i saw left part of game map and fell there then. Awesome background art and effects

Super funny art and gameplay! It was pretty easy to win, ignoring type of blocks, just setting them fast on on another

check game page, it is released in google play already

Still very buggy even for 2-day project. raw game. Got infinite crystals and 1x1 blocks here 

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Game concept looks contraceptive! started from 200+ wave, and oh god...

Pretty funny physics, but doesn't look like puzzle game for now. Only puzzle on existing levels is to place block and jump on it 

mined 10k+ dimes already, how to convert it to real money?

my best score is 56, controls feel strange on turning around

5 for originality!

Nice movie vibes on start and end titles! had some problems with controls, sometimes can't attack or pick up

I've managed to beat 2 bosses, second one was pretty easier, killed him on 1 try.  Why my move speed slows down every time? is it depends on boss's health or my wounds?

What about "building up" theme? had some ideas you didn’t have time to implement?

it's a lie! 

Hi, One of developres here. I'm not sure that i got you right, but i'l try to explain it in other way: Goal in this game is to build a pyramid. So if you don't colorize block, rows of same colored briicks will be destroyed, you'll get some money for it, but you will become more far from your game goal. So you can decide to upgrade first, or build the pyramid longer without any upgrades. For now game has a critical bug - game stucks after you build first floor of pyramid, so for now colorizing bricks just makes you closer to softlock

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