Changelog v.06
Known Issues
Orgy Scenes read weird (showing both names for each line in the +/- Arousal text)
Traitlines aren't working correctly on impregnation. If you see an error called trait during impregnation, that's why. It shouldn't affect gameplay
I played on an old save and it seemed to work without issue. Tested the town, slaves, and multiple exploration runs. Hopefully there's nothing I'm missing this time, but tell me if you find it.
Bug-Tested Prior to this Release (I'm trying, folks):
Town Mage's Order, Slaver's Guild (all functions), Market District, Red Lantern & Brothel Services, Outside/Combat with People and Beasts, Dating Scenes, Sex Scenes, Talk Functions,
Settings (NEW to v.06)
Located at the top of (eventually will have an ingame menu)
Will be able to disable Brutal or Messy (lots of fluids) content if those aren't your thing (partially implimented).
Can disable "Perfect Info" to use the new Knowledge System (half-implimented, coming very soon)
Brothel Services (NEW to v.06)
Wimborn Brothel now has 2 services for its discerning clients. You can enjoy a Fairy to gain 25 energy for 50 gold and a Dark Elf to gain 10 mana for 50 gold.
The Fairy only shows if the Player's Energy is less that 100 (as more than that will be lost with no benefit).
#There are more "scenes", girls, and interaction coming with Towns Expanded
True Savegame Backwards Compatibility (NEW to v.06) - Partial
This one is going to be a process, but I'm working on getting the UpdatePerson to add each component that every new version adds to that person if they are from an existing save.
The ones I've found have seemed to work, but my "old" saves are relatively new still.
Wish me luck on this one, boys. This one is for you. If you have lots of bugs in the invalid string/index in base ('Dictionary') errors for the person class, please please please share them in detail so I can find if it is a component needing to be manually checked and added.
NPCs Expanded
Enemies have a chance to gain levels each time that you fight them. Want a strong slave? Keep releasing/letting one escape and they might come back stronger every time
Improved Orgy Scene & Execution Scene:
Orgy scenes after combat have been updated and there is a slight chance to impregnate enemies (if possible).
Added features to have the NPC birth the child and keep it with her until defeated and captured in combat, where the player will have the usual options.
Added Variables for all aspects of the Re-Encounter chances to the top of the file. Those should be safe to alter to your tastes if you want more or less of the content.
Cleaned up the Relation function quite a bit. Related members should share relatives now. For Example: Siblings will try to have the same parents. It should eliminate the nuclear family dilemna.
Differentiated between Citizens and Enemies (as best I could). Freed/Released should show them properly.
Set Tracking info for times met, times fought, etc.
Added Statistics on times met, fought, rescued, raped, and released into the Statistics Panel and the mindread effect (to see it in the field in the capture screen easily).
Added a daily chance for the Town Guard to capture slaves from the persistant baddie group and then either kill them or sell them to the slaver's guild.
Orgy and Execution now have scenes. Execution can be turned off via brutalcontent
Knowledge System
Added Secrets System Framework
Colored some the Mindread spell aspects to make it readable
Town Expanded
Added Town Framework Stats
Farm Expanded
Continued working on several framework parts
Lactating and Milk Production is working as intended now
Pregnancy Expanded
Added Fertile trait
Added current Trimester, Swollen, Preg Duration, and Wanted Pregnancy into Statistics
Cleaned up the Baby Sizing on Impregnation a lot
Added non-mansion slave NPC pregnancy, childbirth, and potential capture
Sex Expanded
Redid Fetishes and added coherent Fetish Formula (0-100 <= (fetish(max of 6)*10 )*2 for possible 120 at "mindblowing"
Added Sadism trait (to balance Masochism)
Added 5-8 new Fetishes
Added Humiliate Other and Punish Other request for Dominant or Sadist slaves
Added Fetish Dictionary and Updated Display to Statistics
Added Blowjob Text for Sex Scenes
Updated Dialogue for new Fetishes and created new pass/fail conditions (in progress of expanding)
Sexuality Shift dialogue only displays if there is a shift (it still displayed if at fully gay/straight before)
Added Age and Elasticity to auto-resizer
Cleaned up the Baby Sizing on Impregnation a lot
Added Sizing Support to Mutate Spell
Fixed Stretching chances for Vagina/Anus and Clamped Everything that I could think to
Added Sexual tags to each new Sexual Trait to display correctly
Added Fertile Trait
Hybrid Support
Changed the inefficient racefind method to use a function findRace(person,['race1','race2']) in global
Categories (More for My Sanity)
Started organizing my scripts for faster navigation. Functions are currently in the following Categories.
Category: Lactation
Category: Better NPCs
Category: Hybrid Support
Resolved v.05 Bugs
Ankmairdor's Assistance
Added Null Check on each person call in Combat (forgot about beasts and creatures with no person to call.
Fixed several small errors throughout the script with his help
Genital Text change in only showed for non-virgins, while virgins always showed having a pussy
Reworked the Traitline Given/Update system
Sold Slave (The Game Breaker)
Fixed the price to calculate in the current location instead of in the button
Other Bug-Fixes
Fixed the reported mind.sexuality error
Fixed the Genius Trait error (missing the . for the 0-1 chance)
Fixed missing $ in futa-penis description
Fixed movement part of Dialogue repeating & lessened chance of proccing
Fixed "vagize" to "vagsize" in dailyUpdate
A series of errors from the new features
Fixed Slave Sold Error
Fixed Impregnation Consent Dialogue
Fixed Flaw error in Slavetab (person.flaw instead of person.mind.flaw)
Movement wouldn't show for Natural Walkers (ie: Couldn't fly, never crawled, etc). Fixed, but should be attempting the Icon system soon to replace the trait system for it.