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Well, this was revived so... And I'm having some free/dead time now, so....

Spoilers ahead:

You don't lose your stats, you're submerged in a fake reality, something like a Matrix. The monster and you "died" but surprise, you didn't.

The monster, stronger than you created that reality were you're trapped, because, as you stated, you can reboot, but only when you die, so he can't really kill you.
That's why your stats are zero at the very begining. MC didn't reboot, the big ugly monster tweeked his reality to make you think you're powerless. It's a porn game plot twist, don't expect nothing that deep or logic.

It's okay if you hate Amelie and Trianna, there are +17 girls to pick from, none of them forced. (well, they are not all done yet, but we're getting there.)

Now the money earning rate 18? not sure where you got that number, but no, you can work in several ways, and they will pay between 50 a 400. Training a stat cost 50 and it has like 85% success up to lvl 7 or something, so, if you work like 3 days, upgrade a stat a bit, and then work 10 days, you should have the money covered for the entire game.  And then, this game has no time limit so, you don't need to hurry or worry.

(4 edits)

First of all, No Intelligence Costs $100, not $50.  Thats what Ginny asks for at the Start of part 2, I know because I just checked.

The Gym costs $50, not the Library. But why would I go to the Gym? The Big bad is there and he will simply beat the MC into another Reboot. Best to avoid that place.

Next: Using the computer in my room to work with my Int Stat I earned $19 after taxes. This appears to be the only way to earn money at the start (Thats after the very first scene but having done absolutely nothing else).

So As I said: It will take over 5 days to earn enough money to boost my Intelligence by +1. 

If you dont believe me check for yourself.

Start a new game in Part 2. Just after you finish the initial introduction, go to the library. 

Then go back home and use the computer in the MCs room...

I gave up right there because why would I want to play a game with the odds stacked so high against me from the start?

(5 edits)

My Reply to you Plot reveal (Spoilers ahead, you were warned):

You don't lose your stats, you're submerged in a fake reality, something like a Matrix. The monster and you "died" but surprise, you didn't. 

(Ok fair enough. Actually, an interesting story element.)

The monster, stronger than you created that reality were you're trapped, because, as you stated, you can reboot, but only when you die, so he can't really kill you. 

(If he created this reality, then you are trapped in it with the god that created it. He can do anything he wants, whenever he wants. Afterall, what's to stop him from resetting reality and changing the rules as you go?)

That's why your stats are zero at the very beginning. MC didn't reboot, the big ugly monster tweeked his reality to make you think you're powerless. It's a porn game plot twist, don't expect nothing that deep or logic. 

(It seems I’m taking this AVN more seriously than you are! That’s not a good thing for you.)

(There’s an old saying: Perception is reality. Meaning if the MC thinks he is weak, then he really is weak.  Knowing that it’s a dream I find myself wondering why the Big Bad has held back at all!)

(He has you trapped in a dream that not even death can save you from, he could torture you into insanity and beyond, allowing you to die and then reset reality every so often. You would end up wishing you could die!)


///First of all, No Intelligence Costs $100, not $50.  Thats what Ginny asks for at the Start of part 2, I know because I just checked.

That is, if you want to study with Ginny. Above her head there's an icon that will let you study by yourself, paying $50. Same for the gym, same for charisma. Luck is free but the chances are really low.

////The Gym costs $50, not the Library. But why would I go to the Gym? The Big bad is there and he will simply beat the MC into another Reboot. Best to avoid that place.

Well, you can't live under fear, besides, that guy only told you to stay away from his girl, you don't need to cuck him or anything to go to the gym.

////Next: Using the computer in my room to work with my Int Stat I earned $19 after taxes. This appears to be the only way to earn money at the start (Thats after the very first scene but having done absolutely nothing else).
So As I said: It will take over 5 days to earn enough money to boost my Intelligence by +1. 

The code:
"Work. (INTELLIGENCE Influence)":

            $ random1 = renpy.random.randint(1, 100)

            "I decided to work online!"

            $ workonlinesueldo = intel * 15

            $ workonlinesueldo += random1

            if easy == 0:

                "I've earned $[workonlinesueldo]!"

                $ workonlinesueldo = int (workonlinesueldo * 0.6)

            if easy == 1:

                $ workonlinesueldo = workonlinesueldo * 2

                "I've earned $[workonlinesueldo]!"

                $ workonlinesueldo = int (workonlinesueldo * 0.6)

            $ dinero += workonlinesueldo

            "But after taxes and commissions I ended up with $[workonlinesueldo]."

This means, if you are playing on easy mode you can earn:
if stat = 0:
$0 to 120$

If stat = 5:
$75 to $210

if stat = 10:
150 to $300

If stat =15:

225 to $390
And the normal work with Natalie can give you in easy:
80 to 400 (from the very first day)
and 100 to 500 (if you advance Wendy's route)

So as I said, if you work a few days, you can get enough money to not need to work again for a long time.

////I gave up right there because why would I want to play a game with the odds stacked so high against me from the start?
The odds are not that bad against you, although I believe it feels better when you overcome a hard situation than an easy one. I believe in self-improvement.

////(If he created this reality, then you are trapped in it with the god that created it. He can do anything he wants, whenever he wants. Afterall, what's to stop him from resetting reality and changing the rules as you go?)

////(There’s an old saying: Perception is reality. Meaning if the MC thinks he is weak, then he really is weak.  Knowing that it’s a dream I find myself wondering why the Big Bad has held back at all!)

////(He has you trapped in a dream that not even death can save you from, he could torture you into insanity and beyond, allowing you to die and then reset reality every so often. You would end up wishing you could die!)

Well, that's the plot, once we gather enough information we could wonder "Why is he doing this!? What's the fucking point!?" Well, there is a point, and another deep plot twist.
1 - He can't kill you, that was stated. But why wouldn't he make you suffer!? Because Jikininses have been wanting to reproduce since RBL1, also stated. Obviously they always failed. But MC is the answer. So Jikininse boss is studying MC in this WW (Weird World/reality). Once he has enough information he no longer needs him but...

2 - Plot twist: Jikininse is MC's brother. And even if he hates him, he still has some feelings toward his brother, that's why he's not going full.

3 - MC is trapped in someone else thing, but as a Hacker can hack someone else's code, MC can hack Jikininse's matrix. Both MC and Jikninise were "created" by the same man, the only difference is: MC kept his human part, while Jikininse was monsterficated, but got stronger.

4 - MC is the hero, he won't give up even if you think this is too much for him. And I know I had a few extra things to say, but I totally forgot the point. But yeah, that's the base idea/story/plot for now. And yes I'm taking it seriously, but never forgetting, this is a porn VN.

Not sure if I'll keep answering, I believe this is pretty much everything I have to say, not going to force you play my games, that's not the idea, I was just trying to inform correctly, because what you said so far was misinformation. 

(1 edit)

OK but its not misinformation. I presented the facts as they occurred. I think you misinformed me since you did not supply the information I needed to get a more accurate idea of how to proceed.

I'll leave again and assuming no one gives me lip I'll stay gone.