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Very solid game! I really enjoy the art style and atmosphere of the game. I think my main issue was i couldnt find the boss. I tried twice and combed the map but nothing was there, so I am a bit confused. Also I think shortcuts 1-5 for the weapons would be great, I instinctively tried and it would make it easy to pick a weapon. Couple of other minor feedback points the hearts stop following you when you dash, it would be nice if they retargeted to you, and I did get stuck in some of the trees/rocks. BUT, I think the game was great, just wish I could play it further, I really did try to find the boss when nothing was spawning! Good job though! ^.^ 

Thank you so much for your comment! We have made a list of some changes to implement after the GameJam, and we are going to add the number keys as another way to change weapons. Additionally, we will add a cursor or something to indicate where the boss is. If you want to try again, the boss is in the middle of the map when you pass the bridge. Good luck with the rest of the GameJam!

wait, there is a bridge? xD I guess one more try for me