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Glad you like it. If that makes sense to you to go back to your ship, go for it! 

Always remember in a solo game you are the GM and what ever the GM decides is golden.

Rulings over rules is my motto.

I never really thought of going back to the ship. No retreat no surrender was my space marine mentality, but maybe you play a smart person, like Lieutenant Ripley. 

I have also thought of making a little oracle etc, maybe when I make it a full zine type game in the future.

I am thinking to adapt this to other genre also, like horror, pulpy adventure, cyberpunk, etc. by taking cues from some of my favorite 80-90s movies. 

(1 edit)

Yeah I already discovered that you have put in the forklift exo loader from Aliens :P 

No shame in wearing your sci fi influences on your sleeve and putting them all into the tables.

BTW I already ran into the self destruct mechanism, a cosmic horror was waiting for me at the airlock. I had a salvaged drone to help me, but in the end 4 rounds to beat the horror was not enough and we both exploded :-) the game already writes great stories!