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(1 edit) (+1)

Sure, I went ahead and played the new and the old version again so that I could see the difference. The updated lighting does help with navigation. I especially like the bullseye being lit; it really emphasizes that there is more to be done there. The new prompt for grabbing the bullet and the roly poly asking about the bullet makes it clearer as well.

Liked the easter egg too. I'm not usually into those types of surprises, but I admit that I jumped a little, lol.

Overall, awesome job. All my experience has been with Unity but I'm about to switch engines to Unreal so really interested in that type of content. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Woah! Thanks for all your efforts! 
Sorry about the jump-scare, I hope it's not too much.
What made you decide to switch engines?
I'm loving Unreal, and I chose it mainly because I like 3D third-person games and I think that in the long term my ultimate goal is to make a game of this kind.
I actually always think about trying Unity or even Godot, because it seems more appropriate for smaller games, or games for a gamejam.
By there way if you are interested and haven't heard, there's a guy called CobraCode on Youtube and he talks all about 2D in Unrreal. In his last video he even said something like Unreal may be putting some resources into 2D development in the near future. 
(I assumed you'd be interested since Gauntlet is 2D) 


No problem, I still had your old one in my downloads folder so it really only took an extra minute to replay the old one. Jump scare wasn’t too much at all.

Regarding Unreal, the game I want to eventually make is 2D, but I want to possibly one day move to being a part of a big team making bigger games too. Unreal is just more common for those. At first I thought that I would do Unity until I made the smaller 2D game I wanted to make then move to Unreal. However, I found CobraCode a couple of weeks ago and his content convinced me that I can make my 2D game in Unreal while getting experience there. I actually just bought his 2D Unreal course yesterday.

My plan is to go through game’s unreal 5 3D course (I want to get to know its strengths first), then CobraCodes 2D one, then just start making my own stuff in Unreal. I’m excited to start, though I’m wrapping up some Unity stuff I’m working on next week before I actually start. 


You've done your research!

I also keep in mind that if I don't succeed in Indie development, I will try to find a bigger company that will possibly work with CPP or even Unreal.

CobraCode is also part of why I'm more comfortable investing "Everything" in Unreal because I'm more confident that if I choose to, It won't be a nightmare to make a 2D game too.

I can't wait to see your upcoming Unity projects and future work in Unreal!