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I'm against 

Gore (in the sexual nature, if I come across it like I just found a gore bag in fallout 3 it's fine)


Inflation (fine with it just not a huge fan)

Food (preferably avoided)

Necrophilia (I don't like dead bodies for saxy times)

Anything involving minors (avoid like the plague) 

Vore (not a massive issue just not super into it)

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head, then again I just got off work and am tired. Sorry if you waited a while I try and check in itch every day

Hey, no worries about taking up my time; I'm glad to help however I can. Just a heads-up, though: I'm going to be pretty busy for a little while starting tomorrow, so I might not be able to get back to you again until after I'm finished up with that.

Anyway, I'd like you to clarify one last thing about your preferences: when you say minors, does that mean any character under 18, or just outright children? Like, are you fine with teenagers who actually look and act fairly mature, or is that still off-limits?

Once we've cleared that up, I think I'll probably have a pretty good idea of the sort of things you'll like, so I'll put together a list when I can.

Other than that, there are actually a couple of recommendations I can give right now based on your other reply, although you may already know about them: Third Crisis (PC/Android), and Raven's Quest (PC/Android) both have female-protagonists, offer a ton of content, and are mostly/completely free.

The only content (so far) in Third Crisis that requires the "full" version are some "accessories" (cybernetic "enhancements" and outfits, which DO affect available scenes, but aren't strictly necessary) so you won't be missing out on a ton of stuff.

Raven's Quest in particular seems more tailored to the female audience, with its eroticism coming more from the descriptions of the events than from the visuals. The visuals themselves are still quite nice though.

I mean anyone under the age 18. I've also already played those and loved them, and don't worry brother I'm a fairly patient guy. thank you so much.

Hm... Not gonna lie, that really limits the range of options with this sort of thing. Most of the best games I can think of have at least ONE teenage character.

If that sort of thing is an absolute deal-breaker for you, I'm afraid the best I can offer is to let you know anytime I find something good in the future. Sorry I can't be more help than that.

that's fine. thank you for your time and at least the attempt to help. that's better than can say for most people.