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Hey, thanks for your feedback! I appreciate it. Yeah, this is my first gamejam and i started really late so only had 2-3 days for everything. I do know that overall mechanics of fruit throwing / catching are not great but I didnt have time to polish them to be intuitive for player. Im fairly  bad at visual side of things yet(You could tell from how UI looks, tho I added it in the last hour) so it decreases quailty of the game significantly. I will take it into account for my next project and improve on it. Thank you for your time

Ok wow given that you built this in only 2 days (I wrongly assumed you had worked for 10 days I apologize) you got some great work done! I would say your mechanic of the fruit catching is actually great and can be a very fun game loop. I encourage you, if you are enjoying the project, to add polish and see where you can take it.

Keep it up!

Oh I also wanted to mention if you add a music track to it and some sound effects that can go a long way to improving what you already have! For example a sound of something falling into a basket could help the player know the successfully caught the fruit 😁 


Thanks for encouragement! I'm currently implementing everything i originally wanted and polishing a bit. Planning to update after voting is over:) Another project to add to resume is never a bad thing right haha. Will try to experiment with sounds for sure. I will let you know when I release decently polished version if you are interested! Once again thanks, hope to see you in some other jams sometime!

Absolutely would love to play your next version of this!