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Deleted 37 days ago

Skill issue lol

Deleted 37 days ago

skill issue

skill issue


what team were you using, in what order, and what was the dungeon difficulty

Deleted 37 days ago

Womp womp

Deleted 37 days ago

Sure bud.


Some hints for playing your first couple dungeon runs:

  • Only select dark green, Novice dungeons.
  • Make sure you have a full team of four.
  • If you lose someone, don't try to rescue her immediately, the difficulty of the rescue dungeon drops off over time.
  • Don't be afraid to retreat when you lose someone, or someone is faltering.
  • Don't cheat during your first playthrough, you'll ruin the game for yourself.

Nah I'm just venting I've had a long past couple of weeks and the game pushed me over the edge sorry mado