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Thanks Seb! Yeah repairing was soo close to getting into the build but alas it was not to be.

The amount of balancing that's required was something I underestimated when it came to planning out time, ended up smashing together an excel doc and copy pasting alot XD


I understand that completely, the respawning mechanic in my game was so close to working but I just didn’t have enough time to fix the issues, and left it out rather than breaking things. I also ended up in Excel land trying to make units compliment each other and be reasonably balanced, it’s quite tricky and moving values back and forth is a bit of a headache. It has inspired me though to look at a Godot plugin which allows you to edit custom resources (which is how I did the classes/unit types in my game) in a tabular view to make this kind of thing easier, or maybe even allow CSV import for values. Something to experiment with for sure!