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A member registered Jun 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Originally I was planning to add unique abilities for each character, and the enemies are meant to respawn but unfortunately there’s a bug so it doesn’t work. These things will be fixed after the jam to make it more complete!

Thank you! Yeah unfortunately we didn’t have time for animation frames on the sprites because we spent too long on the design. Definitely something we’ll be looking at after!

I really liked the design and the art in this game! I enjoyed running around and seeing the tartans fight the monsters, as well as building up the castle gates. I think that a bit more visual feedback would be good, as initially I was very confused about what was actually happening in terms of training units/building things, since it wasn’t super clear my actions were causing things to happen.

I also think that the night is maybe too dark, which I know is an odd comment, but it makes it hard to make things out at all, and since you have very nice art in this game that’s a bit of a shame! I think maybe having darkness maybe outside the castle and some lights in the castle could work if you are going for atmosphere with the darkness.

Well done!

Really fun idea! I liked some of the small touches like the seagulls splatting against the screen and the dish names. The whole recipe and cooking system seemed well thought out and worked very well. I got a bit confused about how to satisfy what people wanted at times, since they always seemed happy no matter what, but it didn’t seem like an issue. Well done!

No problem! It’s always tricky to get everything finished, balanced and bugtested in time. The fact you managed something so polished is definitely something to be proud of.

This was really well polished, and, similar to what others have said, feels like it would be a great minigame! I think it would have been fun to allow the pins to collide with each other so you could try and push other pins into the path of the bowling balls. I also really liked that the balls started to have spin on them as you go along which makes them less predictable. Well done!

This is impressively complete for a game jam entry, the save/load system, unlocks and how smoothly everything works. I had some minor inconsistency issues with selecting ingredients/dragging the tray, but this was very inconsistent so I am not sure if it was an issue on my end. Well done!

This is a very creative entry, I liked it a lot. The visuals and the concept are both really good, and the variety in enemy design is very impressive for a game jam (and very beneficial for this type of game). The upgrades were also pretty well done, but I found after a around 6-7 rounds in my upgrades had made the game a bit too easy, but I still played it through to completion so I could see all the different enemy designs! I think there may need to be some more balancing, either weakening certain abilities/leaving strong ones till later, or increasing the difficulty. A really good entry though!

Unfortunately this game crashed my browser (Firefox on macOS) quite a bit so I wasn’t able to get very far. It looks like a very well done runner though, and I really like the staying on a unicycle as a take on the theme!

I really liked the art and animation, but I found the game a little repetitive, I think introducing a bit more variety earlier on might help. I see from other comments that you have some ideas for this already to tweak after the jam, so best of luck!

Extremely well done, I was super impressed by the level of polish and how complete the game felt. I did manage to clip out of bounds by mistake with the shotgun, but I had a lot of fun playing it. More enemy variety would be nice, but obviously that’s hard to do within a game jam. Great job!

Thanks so much!

Very creative idea! This is a different literal interpretation of stand than what I have seen so far, and you have a good base for a puzzle game here. Big fan of the dialogue and story you have going here. I had some issues initially because the scaling settings don’t seem to support different window sizes well, you may want to play around with them in your Godot project settings with different resolutions to see what works. I also has some issues with the book stand jumping around a bit when moving, potentially a frame-dependent movement issue or something with physics? I hope you continue to work on this afterwards and great job on your first game jam!

Thank you! Continuously respawning enemies was the original plan, but unfortunately I couldn’t get it fully working without some serious bugs, so it didn’t make it in before the deadline. Definitely something that will be added in the post-jam update!

The art in this was very beautiful, and it was a very interesting take on a tower defence style game. It seemed to have issues with running at different sizes, you may want to reconfigure your window stretch settings in your Godot project to better support different window sizes.

I’m not sure if it was intended, but I didn’t seem to be able to remove or change equipment on satellites once it was equipped, which was a little annoying. The inability to reconfigure things I felt made the game feel less engaging as you got into it, since there’s a fair bit of waiting to get a new satellite and fit it out.

With some expansion, I could definitely see me playing something like this in my free time, and it’s a very strong base to start from, good job!

Thanks so much! The nostalgia was part of the motivation behind going down this route. Attack radius will definitely be something to add post jam, it ended up being a bit trickier than I thought because I had implemented the valid move detection in an easier but less robust way, so it got dropped during the jam and the attack range was added to the unit info instead. When I refactor the move detection code properly in the post jam update I’ll definitely be adding that into the overlay.

Thanks a bunch! I felt having the cutscene in was important for setting the tone in terms of the jam theme, so I worked it in in the last day or so, which was surprisingly not that hard with Godot’s animation system.

The controls are definitely something I’ll be looking at after because a few people have made this observation, I think I’ve just gotten used to this from some of the older tactics games. Probably adding in an isometric control scheme as well, with a traditional one as an option, and some customisation options too.

Thanks! We’ll definitely go with that as the explanation rather than time constraints 😅 I think when I have the time to add proper enemy AI I’ll leave in the random one as a ‘Chaotic’ difficulty setting

Unfortunately I found the game a bit hard to play due to the low contrast and the darkness, but I did enjoy it and I thought it was an extremely interesting take on the theme. A lot of work clearly went into the design, story and mechanics, and I thought it was very impressive. It would be very cool to see an expanded version of the game (perhaps with some accessibility settings), and it would be nice if hitting space during dialogue completed the dialogue rather than skipping it, since the speed felt a little slow for me.

I understand that completely, the respawning mechanic in my game was so close to working but I just didn’t have enough time to fix the issues, and left it out rather than breaking things. I also ended up in Excel land trying to make units compliment each other and be reasonably balanced, it’s quite tricky and moving values back and forth is a bit of a headache. It has inspired me though to look at a Godot plugin which allows you to edit custom resources (which is how I did the classes/unit types in my game) in a tabular view to make this kind of thing easier, or maybe even allow CSV import for values. Something to experiment with for sure!

Thanks! I meant to add a way to speed up the dialogue by hitting enter, but I didn’t get it quite worked out before the jam started I’m afraid. It’ll be in the post jam update!

Quite fun, the unit AI seemed quite good and I thought how the resources worked was quite interesting. I think that potentially adding some sort of balancing for the resources being spawned would be good, I seemed to get way more ore than wood (e.g. each ore spawned slightly increases the chance the next spawn would be wood rather than ore), but it wasn’t a huge deal due to the mining element. Might be nice to add some sort of upgrades, either for the character or the units. Well done!

Very polished, especially as a solo entry. I think that the game is a little easy, since I was able to aim fairly well using the mini map and kill enemies before they ever got close to me, maybe adding a range cap to the bullets and making enemies move a little faster may help? I also didn’t feel a huge difference with the rapid fire powerup since I could click fast enough to deal with enemies fairly easily, so maybe enforcing a lower manual fire rate could help make it feel more impactful? Well done on the entry!

Good take on a TD/shooter game, I especially liked the art and the theming. I found the difficulty a bit high and the pace a little slow for me personally, but I went through a few waves, got some upgrades and still had a good time. Great job!

Thanks! Yeah a tutorial and a more considered control scheme would have been better, I was trying to copy the PlayStation style one but something different tight make more sense. Tweaking controls, adding a tutorial and also supporting mouse input are all in my post jam plans!

Thank you! I just finished college so I have a lot of free time on my hands 😅

Being able to cycle through the enemies as well was intentional so that you can easily view their health, movement range, stats etc. in order to make your decisions more strategically. I had thought about doing this a bit differently, so you could only see info about units you were about to attack, but this was more complicated and also I felt would have made things a bit too difficult. The enemy spawning bug was really unfortunate to happen so late in the jam, but I will definitely fix it in a post-jam update! (It just seemed too large of a thing to hotfix, especially since it was known before the deadline.)

Thanks! Me too, it ended up being harder than I expected to integrate with the rest of the systems, so spawning enemies always broke something else. I’ll be working on adding it (among other things) for a post-jam update though which should make things more interesting!

Thank you! Ah I didn’t think about the double binding of escape, that’s a good point! I was always testing it in the Godot editor or standalone, so it wasn’t an issue there. I’ll be rethinking the control scheme as a whole so it’ll be a good opportunity to try and sort this out too. I’ll definitely be coming back to this game since I had so much fun making it and want to explore the mechanics further.

(1 edit)

Thank you, and well done! My play testers often took a little more so it’s definitely a victory. Implementing the tactics gameplay was a lot harder than I expected, but the deadline really helped me double down on some parts and keep trying, plus some creative use of Godot’s tilemaps to store state allowed me to solve some things more easily in a slightly hacky way. Definitely worth giving a try if you’re interested, I learned so much!

The cursor navigation is a pickle, I always found this with the original FFT as well. There were some good suggestions in some of the comments so I’ll definitely look at rejigging it after the jam!

Nice idea, I enjoyed the thejim! I think that more sound effects would have helped in terms of hearing where the zombies were and stuff, and the music seemed not to loop which made things a bit quiet, but a good shooter!

Really well done! I love these types of strategy games (My Life as a King is a favourite) and you’ve executed it really well. Speeding up some of the reports would be nice or making it so you can flick through at your own pace, but that’s a very minor thing. Great job!

No worries at all, hugs happen in game jams, great work!

No worries, it’s so easy to overlook things in a jam, and it still turned out really well!

Thank you for the kind comments! It was far more challenging than I expected, but it also ended up being very fun to figure things out. The different control scheme is a great idea, I’ll definitely use that in the post-jam update. There was mouse support but getting it to play nice with the keyboard resulted in lots of bugs so I ended up cutting it in favour of the cursor based input. The visual confusion is something I only realised towards the end when I was showing the game to other people, so it’s definitely something to fix post-jam, hit flashes and stronger animations are a good idea!

Thanks a lot! I really enjoyed using Godot for this game so it is definitely going to be my engine of choice going forward.

I really liked this concept and it was pretty well polished. I personally found the accuracy a bit annoying, since even with 2 accuracy upgrades and 2 reloading speed upgrades my survivors seemed to miss robots more often than not and allowed them through. I think losing due to bad accuracy often feels more frustrating than losing due to something like low fire rate or not enough units, since it is more up to chance, so potentially reducing the inaccuracy and balancing it elsewhere may make it more enjoyable. It still found it pretty fun regardless, just my feelings on it.

Very clever concept and well executed. I especially liked the CEO Doug boss. Sometimes I would get loads of the same character which made it a bit difficult to actually clear them since they wanted the same ingredients, but generally I had a lot of fun!

This is impressively polished and really well done! It’s a shame about not having time to add the repair bay but that’s super understandable. The ship navigation and small details like the turning were really well done. I felt like the difficulty dropped off a lot in the first level, but then spiked massively in the second, so maybe a bit more balancing there may be good, but I also might have mismanaged a bit at the start of that second level. A really good game!

A nice roguelike, though the pacing of the game feels a little slow, increasing the difficulty and providing access to the upgrades quicker may help keep things a bit more engaging. Nice job!

You did a really good job with the controls, and the enemy AI suited the game well. It may be nice to add things like power ups to heal or improve your ship or maybe constructable defences in order to give the game a little more depth.