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Okay, I figured I was doing something wrong sorry. After playing it, wow there's a lot of content to play. I'm usually someone that always picks the nimblest option when given a choice, but this time I actually preferred the middle one. For the second mission I picked the far right option, and was quite surprised by the difficulty (in a good way :D )
If I were to give a little feedback:
I think the mechs could feel a bit more powerful. When I think of mechs I think of steamrolling a ton of enemies. And I get that there were different play styles per mech, so to keep that intact maybe the feeling of power could come from visual feedback like adding a bit of screen shake or something like that.
One other thing is that I sometimes had a hard time actually hitting the enemies, so maybe if you added in just a simple little sight to make aiming a little easier that would be great!
Overall this was pretty fun! impressive to have that much replay-ability from a weeks work. Well done :)

Thanks for the comment and effort into playing it. 

I did attempt to put in screen shake, but it did not want to do what I wanted it to make it feel like, so decided to leave it out 😅

Otherwise I do agree with you, about them should be feeling more powerful and aiming more pleasent 😎

Lots to improve on for the next time i make a mech like game.