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JHawk Studios

A member registered Oct 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much Bbomb! Glad you enjoyed :D

Oh great! I don't really mind, anyway you'd like to do it is completely fine :)

Thanks so much again for playing! And that would be incredible to have my music on stream :D Is there anything you'd need me to do to make that happen? Thanks again

Very interesting concept! you've taken a fan favorite and added a twist while keeping the core of what made the original game popular very cool! There are, of course, a couple bugs that make getting a high score quite challenging but if you iron those out you have quite a fun and visually interesting game on your hands 

Good stuff :D

Pretty cool stuff! I very much enjoyed how it defied the expectations of the game and turned it into a completely different genre. I especially appreciated the added touch of being able to smash through the little bad guy at the beginning of the game after you grew. The only thing that I think could be tweaked a little, is that in the stealth section you could sneak up behind the enemies and bounce off of them, but they had no reaction which seemed a little out of place, as they were introduced as being very sensitive to sound/the player bouncing off nearby surfaces. It's a small detail that most players would never really experience, but it's the only critique I have lol. This was very polished, very crunchy, very satisfying to play. I look forward to if you decided to add more for a potential full release! Also I nearly jumped off my seat when I first got jump-scared haha well done

Great work :D

Thanks so much! I had plans to flesh out a few of the mechanics a bit more (for example I wanted to do more with the bowling ball enemy and make the final area longer and combine more of the previous elements), but as jams go, time ran out. Glad you enjoyed!

Thanks a bunch for playing!

So glad you had fun! An impressive time :D Thanks so much for playing

Thank you for the kind words I really appreciate it! I agree that bit needs a bit of work, Im working on a bit of an updated version post jam to polish out that and a couple of other blips. Thanks again for playing :) 

Thanks for enjoying :D

Thanks a bunch for playing! Glad you liked it

That's a pretty good time! thanks for playing :) I'm sure the bananas you missed are somewhere nice enjoying not being eaten so don't worry about it haha 

Thanks so much! Appreciate it :)

Glad you enjoyed! Thanks so much for playing :D

Yeah that's a really unfortunate bug, I'll be looking into fixing it as soon as the jam is over for sure. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for Playing :D

This feels like a very well put together game! Everything from the art to the sounds/music to the game mechanics themselves, all seem like they were made to be together (which of course they were :D) but I think that it's very important for all of those to match up, and they sure do in this! 

I found myself greatly favoring the left side, I don't know it's just me or if that side was genuinely easier, but I had a lot more success down that side than when I ventured right. I also found myself choosing speed pretty much every time, which worked well for me. Neither of those things are really issues at all lol, but maybe a bit more incentive to vary the play style would benefit the replayability a little more. I would like to see spring pads that you build/destroy too, I think those are something that feel like they should be in the game but aren't. 

Maybe in the future if you wanted to make it a bigger release, different abilities related to the movement would fit really nicely as I feel like that part of the game has the most potential for expansion. 

Really good work! 

Very very fun! I like how there are a couple areas that you can only access by digging and alternate routes if you choose to explore. My best time ended up being about 15.5 which I was pretty happy with. Destructible terrain is such a cool mechanic for any game to have, and you made it feel really crunchy and impactful which was great! One thing that feels like it would fit perfectly into the game is having the frog tongue SMASH through walls when big like a huge tongue punch. 

the only issue I ran into, was it was possible to soft-lock yourself if you dug a hole while big that's too deep to jump out of when small, but that's sorta in the nature of the terrain destruction aspect of the game, quite hard to avoid. Plus only weirdos (me) who are trying to find secrets and master the mechanics of the game would really ever run into that so I don't think its a very big problem.

Really fun, really cute, good work!

Really well executed, I love the decision to have pentagonal tiles rather than square, adding a bit of an advantage to the little guy and making it a very planned and calculative game. 

The switch from the top down 2D game to being first person in the shoes of the fella you were just terrorizing was a really neat artistic touch, turning what as an interesting, yet harmless little game about trapping a blue tile with red ones, into a much more thought inducing experience with the very physical threat and almost visceral fear of being crushed by those very red tiles you were mindlessly placing moments before.

Gameplay wise, I was definitely a fan of the first section more than the second, but I think the presence of the second half greatly enhanced the weight, and feel of the first so I can't fault it at all.

This is artistically brilliant, I really love what you've done, great work!

(2 edits)

There's plenty of potential here, great idea! 

The splitting mechanic was a really cool extra twist, which really expanded upon the base idea of the game, allowing the player to make much more interesting and diverse shapes so well done :D

I think the main thing that it struggles with is that the player sometimes can't really make sense of the depth until it's too late, so I made a little sketch of a potential solution:

Not entirely sure how this could translate into the game when you have a bunch of different split parts, but I think the main thing would be to highlight on the wall where the cube is currently lined up and draw sharper "Guide" lines along the side edges. if you didnt want to do the guide lines, you might even be able to get away with just having a second, identical, player mesh  attached to the wall where you're going to collide, which might be an easier method.

I also think something that would take the game to the absolute NEXT LEVEL, would be to sort of extrude one side at a time, rather than scaling the whole object, which would keep the cube in place as you changed its scale. making it more predictable.

Anyway, I think you should keep running with this idea cause you can clearly get a lot of milage out of it, very clever! really good work :)

Watch out soon Bananos might collect all of the infinity bananas, we'll all be in trouble

four bananas

(also big thanks to whoever read my mind and helped color it green)

It was super satisfying to figure out a system that worked with the recordings! It reminds me of the game Overcooked which is great. It would be cool if the player had a bit more of an active role once the recordings are put into place, maybe some actions can only be done by the player to make sure they stay a part of the system instead of just spamming space. I agree with what a few others have said which is the difficulty curve could be a little easier to begin with, but I think this has loads of potential and can only grow if you wanted to make it into a bigger release. Really great work!

Cool stuff! Very good aesthetic both with the music and the art being quality, well done! I think it would make a lot of sense just to have one mouse button do both the selecting and the movement, it would definitely make managing a bunch of little guys more feasible, as a whole, really great work, it's always a big achievement and really satisfying when you completely make EVERYTHING for a jam game and it makes the game feel very whole and together and you hit the nail on the head with that part, Well done :D

Pretty cool! A musical game is always a plus in my books! It was really satisfying to get a massive combo out of nowhere. At times I seemed to run out of dos and sos because they're to two that are shared between the chords, but it wasn't an insurmountable challenge which was nice.

all in all, very good stuff!

My contribution: JHawk Dog and two bananas:

it's like a where's Waldo

Cool take on the theme! grappling around felt very enjoyable and snappy! A very nice message as well :) One thing I noticed was only one of the diagonal-facing sprites for the player was showing which was interesting but definitely didnt harm the game in any way. Good stuff!

There's definitely a ton of potential here! I really love the movement mechanics and the juiciness of getting a perfect timing. The only problem is, I think right now it's a bit difficult for a first time player to pick up and get into, it's definitely a game that needs mastery to get the most out of the experience,. The solution to that, I guess is really up to you, but to me at least, the timings seemed quite punishing if you were late, which stopped a lot of the momentum and lost a lot of progress, so maybe giving a little more leeway would be nice.

That being said, there's so much promise, and I'm excited to see the direction this goes! 

Really good stuff :D

So Good! great art and the progression worked really well with gathering all the body parts. I found the grapple to be a little confusing with how it works to begin with, but by the end I was able to fling myself up with it which was quite fun. As a whole really great! 

Oh that's great! good to know thanks

very cute! I love the way the tail flaps around as you fly. Very Simple, very charming. Nice work!

OMG I can't believe I didnt think of that. I found that annoying too but it didnt put 2 + 2 together, thanks for the idea! rn it can be like watching a very boring New Years celebration lol

(1 edit)

Thank you  so much! My goal when designing the levels was to make it possible to make it all the way back down to the bottom even from the very top in case the player wanted to go look for a banana or something without being too punishing for missed jumps, and along the way it took quite a while to strike that balance so I'm glad it payed off :) 

I definitely get what you're saying with the blue text, I was in quite a rush at that point in time haha, I might just go back and change that when I get the chance

Thanks again! happy you enjoyed

Thanks for playing and the kind words! 6/7 bananas Ain't bad :D Glad you enjoyed

Well, I just spent way too long playing this. 

seems I used up all my skill on a god run on the first level :D

Quite a fun game! an interesting dilemma that comes with the difficult-to-master controls is that the second play through of a level is much much more fun than the first. During my first plays of each level I found myself getting frustrated as I was learning the tricks and terrain, but as I played them again It felt GREAT, all of a sudden I was starting to pull off crazy stunts that felt really rewarding. I think there's a ton of potential here, when you've mastered the controls, anything seems possible, so I would very much enjoy if it was fleshed out a bit more.

On another note, there was a lot of polish in the menus which is a huge plus so good work on that. I especially liked the records screen as it counted the levels in.

I do wish it was easier to restart a level, without having to touch the mouse, cause I wanted to do attempt after attempt in quick succession and that kinda broke the flow a little.

Anyway, really really good game! As you can see by my level one score, I had a lot of fun :)

Wow I didnt realize flooding beloved international landmarks was so fun! Very satisfying to save up the water and dump it all in one go too. The only thing that would do a lo of good is maybe being able to see a bit more of the screen, or at least being able to see/predict the hot winds a bit better as they seem to come out of nowhere and stun you well before you have the chance to react. I love the detail of having the small cloud be faster as if it shed some weight and can zip around. 

Really fun stuff!

So Glad you enjoyed! thanks for playing :D

Thanks for playing! I was definitely inspired by some games of that genre haha hopefully nothing was TOO too ragey :) Unfortunately I ran out of time before I was able to fix a couple bugs, but that's a game jam for ya. Glad you enjoyed it! thanks for the feedback