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Nice game and very similar to plants vrs zombies, which I really like.  My only frustration was clicking to plant tomatoes, etc and nothing happens, cost me a few games there.  Add more variety of defenders but overall this was good! :)

thanks for playing.  With your clicking issue, is that different to the bug warning we listed? I'd be intrigued if you had issues placing tomatoes down if you have enough to buy them. The bug of not placing things down was when you could still afford the one you selected but couldnt afford a different one, it would unselect under the hood. So most commonly honey pots had this but could also happen with customers. Unselecting and reselecting fixes it (until we upload the fix post voting). Is your issue not this?

My strategy, if you can call it one, was to spam the customers to get a lot of gold, Id have the tomato selected with like 200 gold odd left and try and add it to a lane where enemies spawn, Id end up clicking the tomato, clicking the position, not work, click the tomato again, click the position, not work, click it again, the position, it worked, try somewhere else, not work.  Not sure if it was unselecting/selecting and then I was unselecting but the placement failed.  Was a little inconsistent... Then Id panic click as the enemy got closer... I was at level 3 when this ended up ending the game

ok, I will try see if I can reproduce it based one what you just said. I might have to just bite the update bullet to fix it, if it's like this. As that sounds less acceptable than lead to believe.

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I can't reproduce your described problem (using web build). When buttons are highlighted blue that means they are selected. Can you confirm that you had 200 coins, selected tomato (highlighted blue), and tried inserting one tomato and it didn't work? Perhaps, can you play again reproducing this situation to confirm (I know it's asking a lot for you to try again)?  The closest I get is having 200 coins and trying to insert a bunch of tomatoes, eventually I couldnt afford more and so the button gets disabled/unselected stopping you inserting more. With high gold income this "running out of gold" can be a brief moment. But that doesn't sound like your description, so I'm trying to understand better. Thanks for your feedback/help :) 
UPDATE: I have updated it to fix the selection issue others reported, as this seems to actually be impacting the experience. If you're able to try test to see if you issue still exists that would really be appreciated. If not, no worries :) 

I keep getting this error message:  The developer has not uploaded a game yet...

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oh shoot, it looks like something went wrong when uploading. i'll see if we can get that fixed ASAP, sorry!!

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I re-uploaded the file and checked it (incognito) on two browsers just in case it cached something, and it works now! please check again and let us know if you still get the same error message. Thank you for letting us know about this issue, and sorry again!


Hey yes, this cleared up my issue.  Thank you for your quick response!