I understand, I put the design doc in the downloads and not as a google doc link.
Can you try the game and give some feedback on it ? Thanks.,
The intro, what can I say? Better than most tv shows! The music was great!
I let the hero go and waited for another. No such luck.
2nd try, easily beat the first 2 guys and got killed by the third. I wont mention my upgrades but it would make my wife happy.
I'm speechless for the game and laughed my way through it. Keep up the great work!
I really liked it. Great concept! I completed it on 2nd try. Liked the weapons, thought the scythe was the best, the magic was a little underpowered. I liked how you did the menu, very interactive and showed how the game would feel even before starting, and very cool art style.
The mouse was the aim, why not use mouse button to shoot? q is a little quirky to press when using wasd. Was the 2nd attack not implemented or did I miss it?
Not sure if it was gamemaker but there were several lag spikes while trying to play, even to the point where I thought browser had crashed.
Nice game, UI really good and nice choice in assets for gameplay. I couldnt defend the car on the 2nd section, my peashooter was pretty useless there and the crates gave me useless stuff. I kept getting hit when I thought I was out of range in 1st section... The worms I initially thought couldnt be killed until I got a better weapon. Music was very loud and so i missed a lot of speech and FSX... ended up turning it off :)
I really liked the gameplay. Nice work! Theres a few submissions with a sword swing like that. Not seen that anywhere else. I did collect upgrades but I felt like I lost them all when I died, the speed upgrade is the most noticeable one. The cooldown is a little tough in the beginning, especially for the amount of spawns. I found the boss joins from the left of the map, and I can attack him, he doesnt attack until he is in the middle, but had to dodge all the spawns, but was funny to see that. I didnt like the fence area as it blocked the view of the player. Boss kept killing me, my only tactic was to upgrade the speed to dodge his bullets
Money falling from the sky is exactly what my kids and wifey believe happens! I believe in the bombs tho! :S Nice game loop and very polished UI. Nice work. I found it easy to avoid the bombs, made me sad when money fell on top of the bombs. I kept running out of time, which just meant Im trying for the highscore of gold... which several ppl in the comments beat me, lol. Maybe add some goals, round 1 you need 300 gold, change the scenery, add some obstacles, different drops, bomb drop on ur head, death, on the ground, maybe kick it?
Thank you for playing and feedback! The classic games were my inspiration. :) The movement does need improving, and I added the Earth damaging by your shots too to make it a little different and to make players be careful. In testing I was more the Earth destroyer than the aliens, lol. My main menu always looks the same to me, I tried to change it up a little this time. Glad you enjoyed! :)
Thank you for playing and feedback! I did plan a radar and some indicators to get back to Earth, just ran out of time. I used a Kenny asset for the background but stretched it and it made it hard to see. I thought about adding something more but wasnt sure what to add... For the Earth to be shot and destroyed I had planned crying out SFX, like it Star Wars... millions of voices shouting out and then silence.... couldnt find something to fit that :S Thrust was my motivation for movement, will look at that more to improve it :)
My strategy, if you can call it one, was to spam the customers to get a lot of gold, Id have the tomato selected with like 200 gold odd left and try and add it to a lane where enemies spawn, Id end up clicking the tomato, clicking the position, not work, click the tomato again, click the position, not work, click it again, the position, it worked, try somewhere else, not work. Not sure if it was unselecting/selecting and then I was unselecting but the placement failed. Was a little inconsistent... Then Id panic click as the enemy got closer... I was at level 3 when this ended up ending the game
Having rounds, round 1 = 15 drinks... round 2 = 20, etc... different customers want different drinks? Testing my lemon knowledge... drink with ice, umm strawberry lemonade, lemonade and coke? stretching it I know... the further rounds different speeds of customers? Maybe increase the number of lanes? Have government ppl come in a lane and you have to avoid them? Use the monies collect to buy different equipment, increase drink production, or hire staff? The world is your lemon my friend, squeeze it for all its worth! :)
25c still for illegal lemonade? Prohibition makes me thirsty. 50c deduction for a broken glass, ouch! I played until I got bored, which was around the 20$ mark. Need a goal or target or something. Agree that you need sound and SFX to help gameplay. Look up an old c64 game called Tapper if you want more inspiration.
Nice smooth car racing game. Didnt like how you cant go fully off road and crash. Need music and SFX to enhance gameplay. Mouse movement with a left click not very intuitive, maybe make it fully control it automatically or keys, so mouse buttons can be gears or something... Maybe indicators for speed and time as the leaderboard is based on time. :)
Enjoyed playing, felt sorry for the circles. I kept having to circle (pun) the circle to intercept the enemies, and was most times too late further into the game. Did I miss how to know where the enemies were spawning? Maybe add some upgrades? to offer a little change up... Also switching to fullscreen lagged the game a lot. :)
Nice work, enjoyed playing. Was a little easy after selecting the robot that could 1 shot kill everyone. No real need to swap. The guy took 2 shots to kill ppl? Who'd pick him? Im assuming the platforms, ladders, etc were for more variety, that would have made me switch to him if enemies used them. First time I played I didnt read the instructions, I ended up loosing the 2 robots and with the guy just standing on an enemies head and nobody could get me. Was funny to watch. A few minor bugs like a player attacked would stay whited out, the guy stuck in run animation, enemies floating while dead. Nothing that bad there.
Great idea, build/fight combo. But same as your other reviews, had no idea what I was supposed to do. I panic bought random buildings and placed them randomly, as I watched the clock (with the clock hand speed also confusing me, lol) and I lasted like 5 seconds on the night. Add the info as suggested, the tutorial, and make the first night a little easier. :)
Very nice impressive game! All well put together! Good variation of enemies and a boss. I completed the game on first try so maybe a little easy. I didnt know why crossbow got faster at times or why I was healed, not that I complained... had a little problem if enemies got close that I was shooting and nothing seemed to happen so had to move the aim
Very nicely done. Great game loop and nice upgrades. Being able to shoot up/down/left/right is a little restrictive especially when the enemies attack in angles. Maybe a mouse aim? Also was a little slow to begin with and forced players to fail and then to buy upgrades. A few times failing on level 2 is a little hard, give me that 67 coins man :)
I did notice the shooting speed game break and planned on fixing it but didnt get back to it. It made me laugh when I found it. The enemies do focus on the player, I meant to shift that focus but forgot, oopsie. The movement I was unhappy with, that will be refactored for sure! :) The funny thing for the difficulty was I had the spawn max at 3 in a timed interval, I initially had it at 10 and it spawned tons of them. Was funny too to see that many bouncing into each other. Some great feedback there. Really appreciate it!